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Everything posted by WTRDOG

  1. If the fish don't like it,you could always use it for a ping pong paddle.
  2. Gas motors are allowed,Hope to see all the guys there from our area.Beautiful lake ,that has both largies and smallies in it. http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/habitat/maps/ponds/pdf/dfwwallu.pdf
  3. Now nobody will know.........Nice fish. 8-)
  4. He sold his soul to the devil to catch that fish.......hence the red eyes.
  5. I talked to Russ(LBH) about a getting a night torney together for the Northeast gang here in our area.Was thinking Wallum lake in Douglas Mass,both licenses for Ma and R.I are good for the lake.Not sure of the date and would like to make it available for every one interested to be able to fish.So if youre interested feel free to post up something and when we see who's interested we'll set something in stone.. Thanks, Kevin
  6. I thought it was going to be a big striper...
  7. If road warrior looked like Mel Gibson he wouldn't be on this site ;D....
  8. How often does everyone see the Warden's around while fishing and if so are they a pain in the arse in your area.Seems they use to check everything out more years back,not so much anymore.
  9. . I ain't saying nothing.
  10. The number one thing that everyone should do is to make a log.I've been doing this for the past 6 years and wish I had done it long before that.Because looking back at my logs for the conditions given on a perticular day I know what to throw,where and how I'm going to fish that bait.As far as colors try diffent colors in your area under diff conditions and write it down,what works and what doesn't .Look for a good base for your log seen many on the net maybe even one is available here.Looking back at your log not only will it help you ,but it really helps with the memories whether it be good days and not so good days....Good luck.
  11. Larry the cable guy is his favorite fisherman.....
  12. Still thinks girl's smell funny..... :
  13. Don't go,no smallies in Maine....... Does the guy your going with have a jet boat.......I think we may have met,while fishing.
  14. FISHES IN STOCKED PONDS...........
  15. He admits Canada....Sucks
  16. 4 1/2 LBS...MAYBE 5 .....
  17. Quote "I've already spent close to $300 on tubes so far this year ".......................
  18. Your better off just buying them..........Not worth the work.
  20. Here's a pic of Tin before the perm and and the gun... So instead he posts a picture of himself with a gun.
  21. Leave these dolls on their doorstep,with a note saying " May you sleep in peace....."
  22. Replace the fly with a wacky rig senko,and try it at your fav lake.Have the senko just above the weeds.
  23. I have fished all the lakes you have mentioned,My buddy runs a camp in gilmanton iron works.Manning lake is a nice place to fish but the last time I was there you had to back the trailor in forever to get the boat in.Don't know if it was fixed.Spring is the best time of the year to fish those ponds or at night this time of year.Let everyone leave and you'll have the place to yourself.......Good luck
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