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Everything posted by WTRDOG

  1. Had a great opening day.Harvested a mature tom at 6:00 AM this mourning 24lbs with a 10" beard.I'll be out again this Sat and will leave the gun behind and bring the bow.
  2. If this is a lake you have fished before during this time of year.Go to an area where you have caught solid keepers ,not rat's.I'd suggest you throw a 1/2 oz brown spinnerbait with a gold #5 Colorado blade till your arm fall's off.....
  3. I made a bunch last night.Here are my three favorite colors.Only thing I change with the conditions is the blade color. you made these? Yes...PM sent
  4. I made a bunch last night.Here are my three favorite colors.Only thing I change with the conditions is the blade color.
  5. With all the 5lb smallies everyone says they catch, esspecially down the Cape.The chart shows they are almost non existant.I have fished alot of torneys in MA with some great anglers involved and have never seen a 5lb smallie weighed in.
  6. Yes you can fish it from land.Not sure if all areas are open.I think the area you can fish is called something neck.I hear that it's a long walk,but the fishing is great.
  7. Smoke blue fleck/Smoke pepper
  8. Nice fish.Did you see any deer
  9. I thought the fishing was good early last year.The weather changes had the fish coming up in stages and kept them in certain areas and not so scattered.Tin is right saying the fish are up,fished last Fri afternoon and 4pm to 7 Easter Sunday and all but 2 fish came in less than 2' of water.Tomorrow after work should be good.
  10. I plead the 5th on this one.
  11. What is everyone's opinion on this bait.I don't know anyone that has used one.
  12. Went to the sand box today to a pond I've been wanting to fish for years,looking for largemouth.Strong winds out of the west 15-20mph,wtr temp was 49 deg.All fish caught on jerkbaits 4-6' of water.The largemouths didn't want to cooperate but the smallies did.2 boats 27 fish only 1 largemouth.Here's a pic of my buddy Steve and his brother Rich with some of the bigger fish of the day.
  13. Fly I don't throw swimbaits very often.Reason being I'd rather catch numbers.Throwing a swimbait the hits are far and few,but when you do get hit it will be a good one.I understand how guys like to throw them just not my style of fishing.Do all of us a favor when you do get a lunker on one and want to share the pic of it.Give that fish the respect it deserves and don't take a pic of the fish flopping on the ground .It really bothers me how people have no consideration.Good luck on your quest. When I do throw one it's a Rago Rat. .
  14. Headed down to a local lake yesterday after work with a friend of mine.The wind was out of the south wtr temp was 48.1 deg.Had the best day of the year so far,we ended with 18 largemouth.Also caught a bunch of big crappie.Fish were caught in 2 small areas along a creek channel next to a tappering point in 3 to 4' of water.All fish but the biggest of the afternoon (caught on a jig) were caught on a Smithwick Rogue on a really long pause,too long.It started to rain and was getting dark and we called it a day.All said and done not bad for 3 hrs of fishing.
  15. Early spring, wtr temp to 50 deg 1.Jerk bait x-rap (purple ghost) (olive green) 2.Home made finesse jig 3/16 0z (bluegill) w' no.11 black pork Once wtr temp hits 55 to 58 3.1/2 0z Home made spinnerbait (bluegill) 4.Floating worm (black) (natural) 5.Wacky rig Senko (black gold fleck)
  16. Wait and go 2 weeks later.You won't regret it.
  17. Went out yesterday with some freinds.Beautiful day and the fish are starting to move shallow water temp was 53,where I was fishing and 49 on the main lake.Ended up with 13 fish between the 3 boats.Lunker of the day went to my buddy Steve 5lb 3 oz largemouth caught on a Rapala glass shad in 4' of water.My cousin Kenny got a nice smallie also.....
  18. An 8,6,5...You guys fishing in Florida or PA.You should by a digital scale : :
  19. I hear you got to get there at 4:00 am to get a parking spot...Not so X anymore,from what I hear.
  20. The best thing you could do,is when you get to the lodge ask the owner/operator or even the guides to point you in the right direction.I'm sure their is a map of the lake your going to fish at the camp.Have them point out the areas you should fish.These guys have seen and heard it all from there customers.They will do this because they want you to enjoy yourself and come back again.I have fished that area in the past and the fishing is good.One thing I will tell you bring lots of bug repellent and watch your low end unit on them rockpiles..Enjoy yourself.
  21. My name is Kevin, I'm from SE MA and I'm a fishaholic........http://www.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery2.php?instanceid=134897308
  22. Nice pics....There's still 2' of ice where I fish in Maine :'(
  23. Do they make slammers in a 5" version that suspends. ..then I may just throw one. Good going man,hope to see you on the water this year.
  24. Went to the sand box today.Ended the day with 8 fish.All fish were caught on jigs and jerkbaits in 6 to 10 foot of water, temp was 44 deg.Here's a pic of the biggest fish of the day...Nice to see it was a smallie.
  25. I have a 2006 Tracker pro team 190 with a MG 54# trolling motor with a 42" shaft.I'm going to buy a MG tour 82#.Now my question is should I go 45" or 50" shaft,the 42 " I have now comes out of the water on rough days.I mostly fish shallow and would like to know what everybody thinks I should get from experience....Thanks
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