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Everything posted by WTRDOG

  1. Quote"It hit about 67 but sure felt 70 here on Cape Cod. I fished an AWESOME 350 acre pond in Brewster and we got 3 smallies over 4lbs" There is no 350 acre pond in Brewster...3 over 4lbs........ : : ;D ;D ;D
  2. Went out today with the dog after work .Caught 10 bass biggest around 2.5 #.I'll be out again tomorrow 70,s I love it.
  3. The good ole days...
  4. definitley my second fav. behind Load ...Load of crap... ;D
  5. check this out.....http://www.fishingpixels.com/asianIL.html
  6. Kill Em' All Master of Puppets Ride the Lightening And Justice For All... After these albums Metallica went down hill , became to commecialized,and have never been the same....
  7. Use SMELLY JELLY......Fish love it.
  8. Craw imitations can be used any time.Especially,during cold water periods and cold front conditions.Try to use them later in the mourning and stick to reaction baits early such as spinnerbaits ,jerkbaits,cranks.Cover lots of water early when their on the feed and switch to a slow pace bait as the day dictates.
  9. Thanks for the tip........ :...That ought to help him out.. :-?
  10. The water only being 47 is still cold.Look in deep holes that are in the river channel.Drag a 6' piece of 3/8 diam chain,tied to some strong anchor line.That will slow you down.Fish a tube very slowly,dragging it along the bottom.Once the water gets in the 50's Fish all rocks,logs,and any current break with a 1/2 oz spinnerbait,experiment with colors and retreives for your area.Don't waste your time time throwing plastics,cover lots of water.Not only will you catch more fish,you'll get the bigger fish.There's a time and place for plastics,and it ain't at feeding time,when they are really starting to eat , getting ready for the spawn....good luck
  11. I agree.......Don't shoot me Tin,good luck Sunday. Hey Tin,bye the way that's one hell of a tan you got going on there already... ;D
  12. I'm sorry, those are mine.Couldn't make it to the shore in time...my mistake. :-[
  13. I agree.......Don't shoot me Tin,good luck Sunday.
  14. Spring: Water temp 40's to low 50's Rapapla X-rap or Rogue. ( purle ghost/purple gold)(Silver black back) Water temp: 55 to 70's 1/2 oz Home made Single blade colorado (4.5 or 5 gold blade)Pumpkin/black /smoke skirt. Summer: brn/black mud bug crank,fat free shad,mag wart (crawfish.) Fall: Same spinner bait,Black/blue flake tube.(1/4oz) I'll say most of the big smallies I've caught have been in water below 55 deg on a jerk bait.
  15. Sign it , To wtrdog,someday you will be a pro,and be just like me... :
  16. I'll take one too,if you don't mind bret.
  17. Tin, Are you being sarcastic..?
  18. My reply was not geared towards you or any other person on this site from around new england that posts,there are alot of good guys here..But,the guys that fish torney's in my area,they know who they are,and are on this site.Only problem is that they never want to give any info by posting,just sit back lurking.Think about it 91 views and only 2 replies.These guys know who they are and where not talking marinas and fish release areas....
  19. I love it,nobody has anything to say because they know I'ts true.... ;D
  20. Depending on the time of the year you can't go wrong fishing points on the lake with a deep diving crank or a heavy spinnerbait.
  21. Black blue flake,smeared in smelly jelly......
  22. Here you go......Bill45 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bassbets.com/images/betsallwood.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bassbets.com/betsbooks.html&h=73&w=124&sz=40&tbnid=2VH7-iH9xJQJ:&tbnh=73&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbass%2Bbets%2Bpics&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1
  23. Most of the spots that are off limits in the torney's I've fished in the past,where the areas all the guys with the big glass boats and a 225 on the back couldn't get into.And guys with smaller lighter boats could and would smoke all the guys that can drive 60 mph down a lake.If they cant get there boat in there ,that's to bad but shouldn't keep the guys who can from fishing that area.Here's another example....Here in mass all the lakes unless noted the speed limit is 45mph.Now all these guys fishing glass boats with these monsterous motors are doing well over 45mph.During a tornament they by right should be disqualified.Because the rules say you are to follow all rules in regards to boating in the state.So mostley it's to keep all the cry babies happy.
  24. This pic was on another site,some kind of a pending record...
  25. Everytime I catch a pickeral ,I run my pliers in one eye and out the other.That ain't no lie...... It would take a big set of pliers for this sucka... ;D
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