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Tooth Dr

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  1. The slender water snakes with the tapering tails are harmless. The bad boy is the cotton mouth with the thick body, then a small tail. While I was in college, our class went wading in the back-waters of a creek looking for Hell-Benders. I forget the generic name (crytptobrancus?). We came across a water snake (Natrix) laying on the bottom. My professor, Jack S. Brown phd, picked the snake up and handed it to me. I did not want the snake, but... Dr T
  2. Memory tells me from Zoology, that a common water snake is a natrix, after 35 years memory is faint. This snake is somewhat similar in marking, but the major difference is the body. The bad boy is the cotton mouth. The cotton mouth has a short thick body with a wimpy tail. The natrix is more slender. I once had the opportunity to pick up a natrix from the bottom of a creek while searching for Hell Benders (Cryptobranchus) spelling? This was a class project with several members. Dr T
  3. Major Thanks to Millerman for the simple explanation of the roll cast. I am 65 years old, and this is a big plus for me. I now use this cast often. I fish and flip boat houses often; so, this is another positive factor in putting the lure where I want it. Dr T
  4. It is my opinion along with others, that accuracy is better with a shorter rod, but some distance of cast is lost. Dr T
  5. Fishing Guntersville: I work Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are coming to Guntersville, I am available to fish. I do not smoke and I do not drink alcoholic beverages while fishing. I am not a guide, nor do I do anything concerning money for fishing. If you are headed this way, post a contact email. I am more than happy to assist. I suggest you buy a map of Lake Guntersville, and I can show you where we catch fish. For a heads-up, Browns Creek, Minky Creek, Mink Creek & Goose Pond are great places to fish. Memory tells me a 79 lb Big Head Asia Carp and a 14 Lb Large Mouth Bass were recently caught in Browns Creek. Dr T
  6. I had the mechanical frogs that moved their legs when you jerked the line and much more. I have the above per a recent purchase; however, I have failed to catch a fish on them. I have given them as a gift with warm acceptance. Dr T
  7. I read your line was breaking when casting. This certainly sounds like defective line, but you posted the line was new. I have had similar problems. My problem was knot tying. I now use polomar or Triline knots and saliva to an excess. I have read tying with dry line results in failure. I now have no problems. If you do not like the saliva solution, I have read that oil is good. Dr T
  8. Check out Guntersville AL. This is where I live and my pick. Dr T
  9. Thanks for the pictures of the fish hooks in the hand and eye. A person in Guntersville was fishing with a friend that had a Bass on. The Bass came to the top and slung the lure. The lure hooked the guy in the eye. He was taken to Birmingham to have the hook removed. Fortunately, he was able to keep his eye and his vision. Again, thanks for the reminder to wear eye protection. Dr T
  10. I agree with keeping a good wire (hook) cutter in the boat. Fortunately, to date, I have only had to use them to remove treble hooks from a big catfish. When I put the fish in the boat, the fish could not open it's mouth. Neither could I. Two of the hooks were in the top of the mouth and one hook in the lower jaw preventing the mouth from opening. Dr T
  11. I do believe Lake Guntersville in Alabama is one of the top fishing lakes in the US. This is farther than you want to go, but... To check on the Guntersville fishing/catching go to: http://www../bassfish/reports/alabama/ For the five fish tournaments, the total weigh is sometimes over 30 lbs. Years ago I was told there was a five fish total weight of over 50 lbs. I have not done the research to verify. I was also told John Stewart caught 2 ten pounders the same day. Dr T
  12. I live in Guntersville. Our home is on Spring Creek. Browns Creek is a place I often fish. Alred's Marina across from Browns creek is another place for me. I also like Seibold and Minky Creek area. With that said, I would suggest putting in at Waterfront on Hwy 79 and fishing the local area, north and south saulty, Mink creek, Goose Pond area, etc. I would suggest jerk baits and rattle baits at this time. I work Tuesdays and Thursdays; so, I will not be fishing the 26th. Perhaps we can get together to talk or fish, but I am not going to put my contact info in cyberspace. If you call Cullman Dental (256)734-1400, you will probably get a recording, but you can leave a mesage with your contact information, and I will try to contact you. Dr T
  13. Getting older certainly has its problems, but for the most part, it is better than the alternative. Tennis (Bass) elbow: I suffered with this for years. I was advised by a friend to try a chiropractor. I was very skeptical, but 60 minutes later ~50% of the pain was gone, a few visits later, all the pain was gone. Dr Bechert in Guntersville AL is my hero. For the first 32 years of my life, I managed to get most every bug that came around, but after attending Dr Marshall Ringsdorf's course on oral medicine, I have not missed a day of work due to sickness. I am convinced our diet is missing many things our body needs; so, I have been taking the supplements Dr Ringsdorf recommends since 1976. I am also convinced exercise is very important if good health is important to you. I walk every day and I also do stress bearing exercises. Fishing is my hobby, and I now cast using both hands. I also have found out my boat has speeds other than off and wide open. I also pull my boat close to where I am going to fish for several reasons, including sudden bad weather changes. I fish for fun, catch and release. I do take pictures. Dr T
  14. I absolutely prefer magnetic braking reels. I adjust, then I no longer use the thumb control to prevent backlashes. I have many reels, and I do OK with my Garcia C3s & C4s with rattletraps, etc, but for lighter lures, I prefer magnetic braking. My rod/reel of choice at this time for Bass fishing is the Rick Clung Combo offered by BPS. Dr T
  15. Bass Pro Shop® Stampede® Spinning Rod and Reel Combos - Rear Drag Item #38-940-114-00 I purchased one of these with a M action 5'6" rod for crappie fishing. The price is $19.99. On a scale of 1-5, I give this combo a 5. I bought 3 more identical combos. This is perhaps the best deal on the web. Crappie fishing stumps with 4# test line results in many break offs. I rig all four before I leave the house. Dr T
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