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Fry (1/9)



  1. NYCgrip I look forward to seeing your reply to how you like the seaeagle. I ran across this lil craft in a magazine the other day and it really peeked my intrust. Being in Tx there are many small lakes and private tanks I could us this craft on... Thx
  2. Headed down to Lake Amistad for some weekend (4/4/08)fishing. This will be my first trip down to Del Rio and I am looking for any tip or suggestions for a new bass fisherman.. thanks for the help...
  3. Good Fried Chicken for real.. I like that HEB chicken is seems to keep fairly well..
  4. Thanks for all the tips, went to Cabela's and picked up a Priodgy baitcaster, did a lot of practice over the weekend and man was it tough, but I am getting there....Can't wait to get on the lake with it....
  5. This is a hard one to figure out. I've been doing some research on this myself, looking for something I can use on both freshwater and saltwater... Can anyone shed any light on this? Any info would be much appreciated...
  6. Welcome CM, I am new to the board myself and I must say there are some really cool people on here that don't mind sharing their advice... FishMack
  7. Thanks to everyone that replies thus far. I think I have good information to get started. I am in Austin Tx...
  8. New to the board and sorta new to fishing. Just wanted to say Hello to everyone and ask my first question. I've used spinning reels many times, but want to start using a baitcaster. I know about he backlash, so my question is how do you set the reel so that it will not backlash or can this be done..
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