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Everything posted by BestNetManAround

  1. Sure BassBoss First I find the best placement for my hands while palming the rod to my desire then I mark the cork with a sharpie then I figure out about how much cork I wish to have left on my butt. On this Swimbait rod I chose to keep a good bit of cork under the reel seat and take as much off as I could till I got to the butt about 8 inches in total. then with a sharp blade I cut into the cork with out digging into the blank completely around in a full circle on both the top and bottom of the space I wanted to remove. From there I made one long cut again being carefull not to hit the blank from the top to the bottom of the cut I had just made. Then I used a flat head screw driver to forcefull remove the cork. I noticed this was alot easier than making tons of cuts within the area of being removed which could lead to damaging ur blank. Then what you are left with is a lot or little bit of glue and some small parts of cork. Depending on the quality of the rod lower theres little to no glue or higher tons of glue. This swimbait rod was loaed but the allstart I finised before this had about half the glue of this one. I used a heat gun and slowly chipped away at the glue and the blank with a putty knife. This takes a while and please dont rush through it. after removing as much of the glue as I could I took some paint thinner and removed and cleaned any and all glue that was left. After this I started to lightly sand the blank starting with 300 grit and ending with 600 grit by wet sanding. After again cleaning with thinner and a dry paper towel I panited the blank black with a Black Acrylique panit and alowed to dry sanding again with the 600 did this twice. Frome there I printed out what item I wanted to make a decal of and glued it to a peice of foil w/ a Clear parts cement by Testors. THis sealed the decal and glued it at the same time. Let it stand for about an hr to let it dry and then marked out the blank with a pencil and applyed a small amount of contact cement to the area and the back side of the decal smoothed out removed any and all cement with thinner ect.. trying not to hit the decal and remove it before it was fully cured. Waited about 30 mins mixed up a bit of the Flex Coat 2 and applyed over all the bottom of the blank. the steps you would have to take remove the foregrip are the same but you might have to remove the hook keeper ect with a sharp blade and side cutters and smal pliars. there are a few web addresses I will try to link on to this aswell and they are a good help too. Hope I helped please ignore any and all spelling and grammer as I am writing this quickly and heading out the door. Good Luck keep us posted of your work ;D
  2. You have to be really careful with the heat being ion the blank to long I have been told it could warp it I am not sure if this is true but I rather not find out the hard way So good luck with it and post it up seems to be the winter of the split grip
  3. Heres the slammer I put on mine paul its not hand painted but I belive it looks good. I should be adding some paint to it and thinking about trying something cool in the next flex coat you'll see if it works if not I'll hide it lol
  4. Here it is my new decal made up and flexed in with its first coat another coat to follow
  5. I'll take that and throw it for ya looks great hope it swims well if so I'll take 1 ;D
  6. Nice job Paul as always. I still belive you should haev put ur personal painted Slammer on that rather than the Dark Trout. ;D ;D
  7. Well taking off the cork was the easy part that took me about a half hour maybe a little bit more or less. But trying to take off the glue man that was a pain staking ne vs cards game lol so about 2 hrs chipping away. The more expensive rods load and I mean load theres cork with glue and I also had a 4" strand of twine or some kind of cord burried with in the glue to. But I was very careful with the heat gun applying only so much heat and chip and more heat and chip. So its a little bit of a nerve wracker and fun too. As for the Slammers being decaled on well that didnt work on account of the tape I used has a silicone base and the oils didn't allow the Flex Coat 2 to bond on top of it but it beaded up and shead off so I am back to the drawing board and thinking up a good way to have some custom flare on the swimbait rod.
  8. After seeing Bassectomy try it I aswell tryed to modify some of my rods. Here is my new split griped Swimbait Rod
  9. Just got my new Tater Hog 4 Inch Swimbait in the Hoochiemomma yeah I had to copy the box on that one wow what a name huh. lol But here it is its 60 out but 35 mph winds kinda screw the fishing
  10. Yeah I wanted to do that but a friend and fellow fisher put the idea in my mind of mold ect... at the time he mentioned that i couldnt think of any baits with fur whit tanned skin Untill you mentioned a fur tail then I rememberde my Furbit forgs I prob will attach a length of fur to a floting worm and tie it back inot my hitch hiker thats already in the tail hole for quick change tails. But I would cut the strip like 5-6 inches and glue about half that on the back first then apply the coat over this dubin up the epoxy and giving it more Strenght. Does anyone know if I can carbon copy this thread to another channel within the Bass fishing forms to my local area of New England
  11. All clean looking for a new coat I may try a Fur Bit Like tail on this too what do you guys think I should use for an adhesive for the fur should i glue hair or all fur with skin on the bait thinking about gluing just the fur any suggestions?
  12. Here it begins after an hr or so cleaning the dang mouse always fun tearing things apart for the frst time thinking is this suposed to be coming apart this way or am I way off. well to late now lol so heres my clean mouse and some of the fur to be added on in a way to still get the same clack and add a diff touch to a great bait. Who knows maybe I can ebay it if it sucks theres people buying $20 baits freshly painted for around $100 Maybe I can catch some dumb fool to do the samne if doesnt come out the best way Just Kidding
  13. I striped my Jerry Rego Mouse today he was hurting in the worst way thinking about useing some fox fur to mimic a young 3 1/2 " Chipmunk ;D ;D ;D Alivn's going DOWN!!!! Let me know what you guys think
  14. WE going to be running this event again this year last year was a little bit off but would love to fish it again.
  15. I belive I can come out for this one too Paul See you tonight
  16. Thats Next SAt night right for the night open and where is it again i'll have to google earth it or meet up with ya
  17. Count me in on pond X and Turner No idea if Staf will work out but i'll check and see about that date. Other than that see you guys next sat ;D
  18. Hey guys new to the forum. Bassectomy got me here Seems great I have been tooling around it the last few days. Well stoped off at Dick's today and seen the "new" Coffee Injected tubes by Strike King anyone try these yet are they that good for Smallies? Picked up a package of Natural Goby colored tube to try anyways. Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance
  19. Oh yeah Hud bug all the way works great and Bassectomy got me hooked on them. Dam you Bassectomy and my $100+ of them bugs lol ;D
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