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Everything posted by _tyler_wright_

  1. Well maybe i could get a sponsorhsip from git bit and handpouredworms???? lol But does BPS buy old trolling motors? How much would they givve me for it?
  2. Well i've been working for a while on it but jus now got around to say i'm done. The only thing i have left to do is cut out my back hatch lid and make the side panels. Don't be too harsh on me i'm only 17 I know the floor is dirty but i jus goatt clean it The jack plate i'm building
  3. Hey there I see your from mississippi. Do you live in oxford or what? I live in louisville
  4. Just go buy an Attwood bilge pump for like 18 dollars at wal mart. You might mess up something wnenever you try to cut a hole in the transom.
  5. Lol it took me 4 months to find this baby. And when i found it it took me forever to find out whose boat it actually was. There were two of these boat side by side by one of the guys ponds i fish in and neither one of them where his lol. If anyone can give me an idea of where i could find a manual foe an Evinrude 30hp i would be very greatful. Thanks!
  6. Hey guys, just puicked this boat up the other day with a 30 horse Evinrude. It's a big project but it was exactly what i was looking for. I bougt it for 350 dollars and the trailer has brand new wheels and tires. Let me know what you think. I will be posting pictures of progress.
  7. Yeah keep lookin guy. I bought a trailer 14 ft jon boat and 9.9(15) hp johnson for $450. I would say it's a steal lol but you can find a deal man. Dont give up on it
  8. Lol but what wilson is not saying is that his boat is freakin wide at the bottom, if i remember right. And being as the bottom of your boat is 32 inches i wouldn't even squat down on the storage compartment if you made it. As long as you are not standing on the deck or anything i say go for it. But make it light, REALLY light.
  9. Get you a new 1448 tracker grizzly. Those things are awesome. O would get one but i'm just gonna settle with the 1448 war eagle, about 200 dollars difference
  10. I would recommend the flat bottom jon. Because your only going to be in small lakes you shouldn't be blown around too much and i THINK it woud be easier to mod a flat bottom
  11. I totally know what your saying because i can't afford a bigger boat(being as i;m only 17) but what i'm saying is that you don't want your seats any higher than the bench seats. Like on my boat the pedestal is only about 3 inches higher than the bench and on the back i have a simple seat base and seat pin set up. Try what i did and i promise you will feel more stable
  12. Well almost all boat seats sit the same in my opinion. And yes they are uncomfortable. If i were you iw ould go to BPS myself and feel of all the seats and get what you think would work
  13. Well i can tell you one of the reasons your feeling unstable, because of the front pedistal, it is way too tall. Go get a shorter one and you should ne fine without the things on the side
  14. Good job on the boat man! I really like the trailer tires!
  15. oh and i'm just talkin about the front deck setup
  16. Hey guys, I've found me an alumacraft 1436 that on eof my friends is going to sell me. But i'm not too sure about what kinda layout i want. I always hear about some guys not feeling too stable when it is decked to the top of the seats when you have more than one person in it. So in picture one do you think that it will be really stable with 2 good size boys in it? Or do like picture 2 and just deal with it? My real question is, Will it be unstabl;e with 2 people in a 1436 decked to the top of the seats?
  17. Here's what you have to look at when you're putting just a trolling motor on a boat. Pretand there is a chain on the ground, someone asks you to grab that chain for them. The chain is too heavy and awkward for you to pick up. Would you rather pull or push the chain?
  18. I think i'm gonna go ahead and get the 1436 but i would love to have the 1448 grizzly. The other day i saw a 1542 from academy sports for $1029. Not too bad i thought. So now i think all these boat prices are toying with m mind! lol
  19. He's got a big bass boat so unless he's ripped he probablly wont be pushing or pulling it with that dolly
  20. Well i know i'm going to be purchasing ajon from bass pro whenever i get all the money so i decided i would go ahead ans start on my supplies that way i would have everything when i got the boat. So about 3 weeks ago we had our high school junior senior prom and the band needed some type of carpet to put down. So someone went to the hardware store and got 20x6 feet of indoor outdoor carpet, i asked for it when the prom was over and got it for free! And as of today i have 25 feet of 1/8 inch 1x1 alluminum angle ordered, $31.45 for all of it. I got a special discount through our votech at school! And i went to my friends dads boat shop today and found seat mounts swivels and anyhting you can imagine for CHEAP! Not to mention the discount i'll get! I will definatelly be saving money by going through resorces this time. Man is it nice to know certain people!
  21. If you can give us some pictures that would help alot
  22. I made a trolling motor bracket and a swith console with cup holders in them.
  23. Welcome! There's alot of great guys on here! Now, what i've seen done for a trailer for a boat similiar to yours is the guy built a rectanguler frame the width and length of the boat. He made a fl;at bottom for it and welded a metal grate on the top to make a floor for it. Then he just put a hand wench on the front and tied down the rest of the trailer.
  24. Well i have a tip for unloading your boat. Me and my uncle do this all the time. You can say that i'm by myself unloading the boat really cause all he does is sit in it and tell me when it's floatin. What you do is when your on the ramp get a good roll going (down the ramp not up) and hit yours brakes hard. This will make your boat waant to slde down the runners making the boat go further into the water rather than the trailer
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