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Everything posted by ctbassmaster2008

  1. nice bass im also in CT
  2. hey great pictures i think im gonna go out for the first time this year this weekend. Im also from CT
  3. sorry for the newb ? but what do you guys mean by using ear muffs ?????
  4. as long as its not exposed to the elements its fine. Just look at it this way you never know how long fishing line has sat on the shelf at the store either but you still buy it !
  5. cabelas because its close to my house 8-)
  6. I think you guys missed what i said i drive a subaru wrx sti the van is just something i got for free for the winter while my car is in storage thanks for the embaressment though i needed that !
  7. loose lips = >
  8. Im deffinitly skeptical of the whole coffee scent myself.... but after killin it last year with there bleeding tubes im going to give them a shot this year . plus i like the fact that there available in 4.5 inch
  9. imo opinion if your on a budget and looking for a good crankbait I say rapala all the way i find myself grabing my rapalas over my lucky crafts !
  10. thanks for all the replys guys when i looked up the towing capacity in the owners manual it said 2000lbs and the boat fully loaded was about 2100lbs so you guys might be right but either way my gf has a grand cherokee so i guess she will just have to deal with the minivan on fishing days ;D
  11. thanks for the replys guys the trailer is going to have the optional brakes put into it I would love to get a nice truck to tow the boat but i have my first love the wrx so i dont think it would be practical for me to go spend 10gs on a truck right now
  12. So im considering buying my first bass boat but i only have a 93 minivan that i can use to tow it .... Im thinking about getting the new stratos 176 xt its the entry level model with the little 50 hp yamaha out board motor do you guys think its possible ?
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