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Everything posted by WillMAC_02

  1. how has everyone been doing? The cooler weather has kept me from getting many bites. Ive taken the water temp with a thermometer and last weekend it was about 59 degrees. I've been using mainly spinners and jigs met with little success at both Standing Bear and Werspahn. I caught a couple small ones on the west end of StandingBear off the rocks, the water was clear; I could see to the bottom 4' deep. the first cove past the d**n on the south side of the lake has a lot of good cover but there were no biting bass there. any tips from anyone catching fish would be great!!!
  2. The laptop GPS solution is a creative one but a little too risky for the likes of me. as for your walmart fishfinder...hey, my tacklebox is has dozens of lures and other bassin necessities in it; my fishing career began with a pole from wally world so you wont catch me knockin it. I appreciate all the suggestions and tips guys. keep em comin.
  3. I live in Omaha, NE and the lakes I fish are between 200 and 320 acres. I have found that 100 yards out from shore is managable. right now when Im out there, I use jigs and crank baits to get a feel for the bottom but a lot of my time is taken up by searching especially when It takes me half hour-45min to figure out there's no structure where im at.
  4. I actually fished Stagecoach quite a bit when I lived in lincoln. I found it to be a good bass lake as well and I have pulled a number of good fish over 17" out of that lake. It was probably my second favorite lake to fish down there. I did try Standing Bear twice last year because it is so close to my parent's house. I fished it really early, and really late in the season and didnt have much luck on the lake except a few fish at the west-most bank by the 144th St. (i believe) bridge. Thanks for the suggestions.
  5. I do understand about going into deeper water with my jonboat... I tried it. -I meant that i have found out about it being a bad idea. I was out on it for the second time when a few winds came all the sudden and almost turned me over!!!! OK. So you dont think it's worth it for me to get a fishfinder or a sonar. Im not immediately disagreeing with you but I figured it'd help me find good bass cover in 12-15 feet but more importantly eliminate spots on the lake where no cover exists. If this isn't the right strategy, what do you suggest?
  6. I do understand about going into deeper water with my jonboat... I tried it. So i will stay close to the shore but i still want to be able to see cover, underwater islands, underwater points, and anything else that mite be helpful on the botom. i do take the boat out in water up to 12' and 15' deep so some sort of depth finder would help a lot. as for the GPS, i wanted it to mark spots on lakes and streams that i often fish but i understand if memory is the best option for that. any suggestions?
  7. I have an 11' plastic jonboat that i have engineered into a bassin MACHINE. anyway I really want to put a decent fishfinder on it with GPS. I have no experience buying fishfinders as this will be my first one. Im just thinkin that i want one with GPS and if it is feasable to get a nice one around $200. Any ifo would be greatly appreciated!!
  8. Fellow Huskers!!! I just moved back to omaha from Lincoln after i graduated. I learned to fish my sophomore year and by my second senior year i couldnt stop buying lures, looking for more places to fish, and sleeping with my tackle box. I only fished lincoln reservoirs, ponds, and streams so now that i am back in omaha, i am a "fish out of water." everyone told me that zorinsky was a good place to fish as well as wherspan and walnut creek. I was wondering what bodies of water you guys and any other huskers would suggest for someone new to omaha.
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