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Everything posted by JerseyBassin

  1. havent tried topwater yet but i would think its still a little too early...water is still pretty cold up in morris county but after this weekend is should be warming up a lot. ive been using wacky rigged senkos around rocks and getting a bunch of hits whats working for you so far?
  2. fished spruce run once and only came up with one nice hybrid bass...looking to fish round valley this year hear there are some big fish and thats what i like to target
  3. i was in key west, florida last month. we flew from jersey. we constructed a 7 foot pvc pipe rod holder for the plane for like 5-6 rods. no extra charge i was aware of. didn't have to send it to the hotel so saved money. we called our travel agent to make sure, thats probably the best thing to do. call them up, and they'll tell you the exact maximum length for your rod holder.
  4. yea like everyone else said. as deep as you decide. i fish flukes in no more than 15 feet of water. im just not that patient.
  5. dont' know, but if there isn't it sounds like a good program to make. if i was still a computer science major i'd look into making it, but writing programs is such time consuming and tedious work.
  6. nice info there, i also fish the forage and not the depth. my local lake goes to about 40 feet, but ill fish the weeds that are in 10 feet of water and do great. there's definitely fish in the deeper water, but it's my style of fishing. also gotta hit those drop offs. bassnbrett, are you using o-rings for your wacky styled senkos? tried senkos last summer and they were a pain in the you know what without the o-rings with the tearing. also, what kind and size hook are you using? thanks mike
  7. i'd say 3-5 times a week 2-3 hours at a time
  8. my brother caught a bass on a green leaf he picked up off the ground had to be one of the more interesting things i've seen in awhile
  9. gatrboy is right on a lot fish are going to be rising
  10. yea its obvious it was a big fish, but the video quality isn't good enough or close enough to the fish that they can call it proof they had a WR bass on the end of their line
  11. DVR is a man's best friend, unfortunately i don't have one, but i hate how the best shows are always on early in the morning. i'm 20 so i sleep until like 12, and by that time they have bowling or some other sport that most people can't watch...maybe if we could get a petition going or something they could change the time of fishing shows
  12. First of all for safety. Many of us have had a lure pop out of a fish's mouth as they are being landed. That lure comes flying straight back into the face. Second. They are not only used for locating bass. I want to see if a fish is following my bait or takes a swing and a miss. I want to see that stump or brush pile that is just under the serface. I want to see if the fish I have on the hook has others with him. There are many advantages to polarized sunglasses. Not just sight fishing.
  13. good interview, learned some stuff like the question about the rule change, made me laugh because it seemed like he'd been waiting a long time for someone to ask him that i agree there shouldn't be practice, however it wont' stop people from paying off local pros for hot spots.
  14. ill just take my post from the bass pro shops forum and copy and paste it here: sad to hear, agreed. however, after reading that article i got the vibe that this guy felt the fish was a personal belonging of his and he was the only one who could have it. almost sounded like he had an emotional relationship with the fish. i don't think he deserved to catch her and now im glad he can't. also, a lot of hype around that lake, anyone think it's going to become over fished, decreasing the chances of the world record bass coming from there? most people thought thats where the next record was going to come from. the article stated people from all over the US and Japan to try and catch the next record bass at dixon.
  15. woah! if it was go get that fish back! i hear adult oscars aren't cheap, but i could be wrong, probably depends on the type i saw an orange & white coy at my lake last year and had to do a double take because i wasn't sure if eyes were lying to me. and this was a biggun too haha could've made a lot of money off of that fish. been keeping an eye out for her but nothing in almost a year.
  16. possibly albino, but not possite as i've never seen/heard of this before could've been a rare species of fish and new state record for all i know
  17. yea everyone else pretty much answered this question it can't be good for the fish, but i highly doubt it'll kill them
  18. books are also great ways to learn. you can get them cheap on sites like amazon. if you'd like a couple recommendations just shoot me a pm. this site is also another way to learn. i prefer books because i can get more comfortable when im on the couch or sitting outside reading rather than at a computer desk. i also like to highlight stuff so its better to have the material in my hands. sometimes if i find an article online, ill print it out at my school's lab.
  19. like to read and like to learn about fishing...why not kill two birds with one stone? any largemouth bass fishing books you guys would recommend to me?
  20. also, whats the water temp in your lake right now and during the summer? do you fish from a boat or off land? in the summer those bass are moving to the deep which you probably already know so fishing off the land is really hard i see your from WI, what kind of weather are you having there...they probably haven't spawned yet, right??
  21. haha pretty funny....i used to watch that show all the time. i loved it. that guy is quite the character...what time and channel is it on now?
  22. flukes are amazing..thats all i've been using for my past couple trips and its worked magic..i'd use those, maybe even try a tube or creature bait...i've found that baits that aren't used much in my lake work like a charm
  23. i would recommend not getting a pair of costas...i get my gear off bass pro shops, and you can get a pair of polarized glasses in the 20-40 dollar range that are just as good...but if your confident that costas are that much better and you want to spend the extra 100+ bucks, then be my guest as far as lens color goes...i can't really answer that as i haven't used every color..in fact, i've only used dark lenses and they work great but seriously, you should also look at cheaper pairs, save yourself some money
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