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Everything posted by AFMan916

  1. Thanks for all the input guys! So I'm going to just go ahead and have my trout and river setup seperate, but I may bring out the UL if I discover any small creeks for smallies (which is what I'm really trying to find, I love fishing small creeks!!) I'll definitely look into the Millerstown launch, and funfarm check your pms, and basser89 you and your brother seem to be knowledgable and experienced, so maybe if you want I could get a trip or two in with you guys this summer (and you too funfarm, if you want)! I'm still trying to find some good creeks/streams aound the State College area. I don't have a ton of time after work, so while I can travel to places on the weekend, I'd like to find some good places around my area that I can get to rather quick to get some fishing in. Has anyone ever hooked into smallies on Penns or Spring Creek? I know they're awesome trout waters, but don't know if they hold smallies....
  2. PB? I don't think I've ever heard that term before....enlighten me?
  3. Thanks for the reply! Central PA is a good place to be born if you're a fisherman I do indeed have a river setup which is a good all-around bass setup. It's what I've always used, and it's done well, but I'd like to at least give the UL rig a try....something about bringing in a fish on such a small setup makes it all the more exciting. I actually landed a 20+ pound snook off Sanibel island about 2 years ago with a rather light setup and 12 lb test.....took a LOOOONG time, but I have decent finesse when dealing with big fish on small lines, and managed to get her in....WHAT A TRIP!
  4. Awesome advice guys, thanks a lot! I actually just got a new setup down at the Sportsman Show in Harrisburg, a Shimano Symetre 500 paired with an UL St. Croix Premier. It's meant to be my trout rig, but I'm thinking it can serve double duty for smallies too!! Especially if I'm going to be going a little smaller like Dogface mentioned above. Funfarm, you mentioned the Millerstown boat launch as a good place to start, is that with wading in mind? Remember, I don't have a boat, and won't have access to one unless I can find someone with one, so for the days (most of them) where I'm setting off in my waders, are there any real good places to start? Perhaps some little pulloffs or something that boats can't put in at? On second thought as well, does anybody know of any little creeks near the State College area that hold smallies? I know a lot over here are good Class A trout waters, like Spring and Penns creek, but anyone have any good places for smallies near State College? I figure, the less I have to travel, the more I can fish!!!! Especially since I'll be working around my work schedule, except on the weekends.
  5. Thanks a lot man, really helped out! Responded to your PM as well. Any and all other information still appreciated!! Looking to become a true lunker hunter
  6. Thanks a lot man, this is the kind of info I need Can you point me to any good resources for reading a river, or perhaps lend some of your own insight? I just feel like last year all I was doing was casting and praying, casting and praying lol.
  7. Hi all! New guy/lurker here, looking to get some insight into the mighty J. I grew up in Lewistown PA, however I did most of my fishing for largemouths in private lakes and Kish Creek for trout. Last summer I did a couple floats with some friends and also some wading, and have come to the conclusion that I LOVE SMALLIES! Problem is, most of my skill lies with largemouth in lakes and trout in LITTLE creeks. I'm not too good on reading a river, so the few times I waded by myself last year, I think I was throwing the right bait (senkos, X-Raps, Mister Twister, Jitterbug at night, etc) just in the wrong spots or with the wrong presentation. I also have an affinity for snags, which I dislike lol. So can anybody give me some thoughts/advice for river smallies, specifically on the Juniata? I'm not looking for honey holes, but if someone could give me a place to start and then tell me where to go from there (i.e. Walk upstream looking for boulders, channels, eddies and throw X, keep in mind I can't really read a river) that would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm looking to fish smallies exclusively this summer, and really want to hone my ability to present the right lure in the right way at the right spot. Oh, like I mentioned, this will be WADING ONLY, I don't have a boat....yet lol. Thanks guys! And, HELLO!
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