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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. 190,000 acres I doubt it Don't forget about the 1200 miles of shoreline catt. HomeBrewerDude Housen is a great area to fish out of. If you want to base out of Hemphill and fish in there I would suggest launching from Jack 944 boat ramp. Or you could go up old 83 and launch at White Oak to be near the mouth.
  2. I will be trying to make it!!!
  3. People underestimate how hard it is to build a productive brushpile. We use them a lot for Crappie but in Toledo for Bass there is cover everywhere so its not really needed.
  4. hmm id try a jig around the rocks or maybe a crankbait banged around them?
  5. That last rule is indeed interesting, do they calculate it by the number entered times the limit of fish and take 10% of that as the line? I dont know if I could support that change or not though. I dont much like being punished because a few people can not keep some fish alive. A fee for tournaments wouldnt be a bad idea either. Limiting the number of tournaments on a particular lake? I dont see that going down very well and I would be steadfast against it.
  6. Well friday we had an ok day, we found fish close to the pepper grass and some holding just off cypress tree's. We scratched out a limit fo 10.8 lbs. Which had us in 148th place. Saturday things went south for us. The water temps were down to 45-46 in the morning. But we picked up 2 pretty quick on a shallow diving crankbait. Then nothing for the rest of the day. We found some 51-52 degree water and combed it to no avail... Maybe next time.
  7. The fish are shallow, they arent eating that well but they are up there. I talked to several people tonight that fished south and north and caught good fish in 4-5 foot of water.
  8. Wesley, don't read too much into my statement. All my bass club buddies think I'm behind the bridge to. That's not the case at all. I seldom fish behind the bridge. I'm fishing drains, humps, and ridges out in the lake on the sides of Carrice. You can catch a lot of fish behind the bridge at times, just not enough quality. I'm out in the lake 99% of the time. Strong S.E. wind might put me back there, but that's the only reason I'll be there. Carrice runs a ways out toward the river. That's the area you will find me. Jack I know, but the talk of carrice brought up that observation. There is a grass bed in the back that usualy produces well but since they stopped having tourneys out of frontier it hasnt produced as well. I will have to get out on the lake and spy on some more of your carrice spots :-)
  9. Honestly it seems to me that the back of carrice hasnt been as productive since the tournaments stoped going to frontier park.
  10. There is a certain road bed off a point there that is definately a dead area eh Jack?
  11. Catt has a camp in six mile. I fish in the paulo gaucho and carrice areas. Saturday around 1 the fishing turned on pretty good there. Also yesterday I went out for an hour and caught 2 fish pretty quick best was about 3 pounds. This cold weather will give them lockjaw again though.
  12. Bring back the jumpsuits!!!
  13. Went out today and picked up a small keeper off a main lake point on a spinnerbait, and then picked up one about 3 pounds off a grass bed in 8 foot of water on a spinnerbait. The fish are still biteing but is slow.
  14. we still have 2 cold fronts moving in the next 2 weeks. They will come up shallow then be driven back.
  15. This cold front is not going to be near as bad as last weeks was. Hopefuly it wont give them lockjaw for 5 days straight after it.
  16. Well I fished a grass bed back in a protected cove, I caught 4 keepers and 1 dink. Weighed in 10 pounds 5 ounces good enough to tie for 26th place and they paid 25 places! Not bad for my first BFL ever and as a boater at that. And my co-angler placed in the money which made me happy!
  17. Well we caught one measly 4 pounder down in six mile creek it was holding tight to the buck brush in the back of a cove. Water temps were up to 48-49 this afternoon, hopefuly tomorrow will get them to 50's.
  18. WoW the bite is tough out there, I zeroed today. Fished from paulo gaucho up to just north of the pendleton bridge water temps 43 to 49 degrees. Gonna go out tomorrow and try in 25 foot of water off main lake points and see whats happening there. Catt help a brother out and tell me where the fish are!!
  19. In Paulo Gaucho the water temps are 40-43 degrees, a little further north up by patroon I found some water at 47 degrees. Hopefuly once the temps stop falling below 30 degrees at night the water will warm up some more and get in the 50's. I am gonna go out this morning and throw some jig's, or t-riged brush hogs. Try to find some staging fish in 10-14 foot of water I hope they havent been pushed further back than that.
  20. Fishermans galley is nice, I'd like that
  21. Friday night meet up is in the air for me. I leave the rig friday monring and fly in to beaumont so depending on weather and flight delays I may or may not be able to make it home until late that night.
  22. There is Calfee's up close to pendleton that is open fairly early, its on the east side of the public boat ramp at carrice creek. We ate there a few times before going on the water last year and they serve good breakfast. I will have to swing by this week and check what times they open for sure.
  23. I agree a spinnerbait slow rolled over the top of the grass, or soft plastics fished very slowly will be the key this weeked. When its like this I was always told you want to throw a SB with large blades and rell it just slow enough to tickle the top of the grass on the way back.
  24. Thats the carrice creek bridge I believe, I usualy go to the back of carrice and fish a grass bed on the NE side.
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