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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Good Luck on Lewisville Lake SJ we will be pulling for you!!
  2. Thats one of the best spots in Housen IMHO.... Shhh! No it aint We need to link up some day and hit Housen up I need someone that knows more about fishing than me to learn from
  3. Thats one of the best spots in Housen IMHO....
  4. What does age have to do with him decideing what Profession he wants to be in and asking the best way to become one?
  5. Monk must be your roll model
  6. Sign me up!
  7. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1098/1278281048_5e30cbfd72_b.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1192/1277411587_e168559749_b.jpg Not the last fish I caught but it is the last one I caught that I have pics of
  8. no bass are Oviparous Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs, with little or no other embryonic development within the mother. This is the reproductive method of most fish, amphibians and reptiles, all birds, the monotremes, and most insects and arachnids.
  9. To save yall the trouble of looking it up here is the Definition A viviparous animal is an animal employing vivipary: the embryo develops inside the body of the mother, as opposed to outside in an egg (ovipary). The mother then gives live birth. The less developed form of vivipary is called ovoviviparity, which, for instance, occurs in most vipers. The more developed form of vivipary is called placental viviparity; mammals are the best example, but it has also evolved independently in other animals, such as in scorpions, some sharks, and in velvet worms. Viviparous offspring live independently and require an external food supply from birth. Certain lizards also employ this method such as the genera Tiliqua and Corucia. The placenta is attached directly to the mother in these lizards which is called viviparous matrotrophy
  10. Bass spawn when the water temps reach 55-60 degrees. The male move into the shallows and makes a bed and a female will come up and lay eggs which the male then fertilizes.
  11. Thats the day my first Daughter was born.
  12. I guess I didnt pay attention enough to what was said in the video, I can understand about the not transfering invasive species to new lakes.
  13. 1.) learn to find and fish deep structure. (Me too) 2.) Catch me a new PB 3.) Learn more about what my sonar is showing me (Ditto!!!) 4.) Find some new hotspots 5.) Try out Drop shot rig, crank baits, and hard jerk baits 6.) Start fishing main lake and secondary points (Have to figure out where to find them first!!) 7.) Work on other baits besides spinnerbaits, rattletraps, and senko's 8.) More Time on the water 9.) Fish more Tournaments. 10.) Find a Fishing Partner. (Fishing alone all day sucks LOL)
  14. I wish I would have known there was bass fishing in Korea when I was there!!! Stay off the big Hill in Seoul
  15. Wesley


    If any of you are ever gonna be in the area(Toledo Bend or Sam Rayburn) and want a fishing partner or someone to share gas money with Give me a hollar I will go with ya.
  16. Wesley


    Sweet I travel through New Orleans Twice a Month and I stay in a hotel room in New Orleans Once a month. I catch out of Venice, which is about an hour south of N.O. there used to be a lot of good fishing down there but I have never tried it out.
  17. Wesley


    I love fishing Housen this time of year :-)
  18. Wesley


    What school did you go to ba7ss3in? And I never went on board Navy Ships I was a Communications Tech in support of Navy Seals.
  19. Wesley


    I learned about this website through some internet searches on fishing stuff. I like all the information contained and I think I will stick around the forums About me: I am 28, married father of 2 girls. I love to fish ;D. I am from Hemphill Texas. Grew up fishing Toledo and Rayburn. Dont own a boat but I have a Bass Tracker with a 40 on it I can use Whenever. I am a 4 year Veteran of the US Navy 99-03. Currently work offshore on an oil rig as an Electronics Tech. I plan on entering as many Tournaments as I can as a Co-Angler. I think the first one I will be able to catch this year is the Central Open on the Red River. I am also looking for a bass club in my area to Join, preferably one associated with the BASS Federation.
  20. I was thinking of trying to fish in the Open in April. I have never fished any of the opens and am thinking of signing up as a Co-angler does anyone have any advice to offer? I have never even fished the Red River but its only about 1.5 hours from my house. Do I need to link with a boater? Is it still a 3 fish limit for the Co? Any info is helpful Anyone else gonna be there? message me on here or email me at wconn1979 at yahoo.com
  21. www.bassfeed.com take out the spaces it wont let me post a link since I am new. There are some good podcasts there.
  22. I just got done reading a lot of the articles on this site, there is a lot of good information here!! I did get a kick out of Aaron Martens Article on prespawn bass. Quick Change Artist by Aaron Martens Aaron is sponsored by Crown Royal, Ranger goats, Gamakatsu, Megabass, Mercury, P-Line, and RoboWorm. I just want to know where I can get me one of them Ranger Goats!!!! ;D
  23. Wesley


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