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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. You should follow it up with the president to see what he has done to fix this issue.
  2. Carolina Rig a lizard or baby brush hog, throw a weightless senko, throw a jig'n pig if that dont work buy some dynamite.
  3. +1 This definately needs to be put in effect, but would it count against the angler if they fish died after the tournament took the fish from his boat?
  4. Hard decision, but was the understanding that you were prefishing together to look for spots for both of you? You should be talking about this the whole time your out with him.
  5. NoooOO i dont want to drop down another place!!
  6. Wesley


    W E L C O M E
  7. [move]H o w d y ! ! ! ! [/move]
  8. Works better if you use a nylon rope with the stringer so u dont snag up and possibly break your rod or lose the stringer too.
  9. Heck yeah get a wet suit and get out there.
  10. Wesley


  11. You really gotta find the Hawgs to win there.
  12. catt is right on. When you prefish you should try to ID a few places to fish and not just rely on one.
  13. Where are you located? Whats the water temp?
  14. Once you see something its impossible to unsee it.
  15. Right now as of Day one KVD is the worst one on my team Mark Davis sitting at 4th is my best one, hopefully KVD and boyd Duckett Move up for me.
  16. Schools are getting out of hand, a guy I work withs son is being expelled for 7 days because he played with a Air soft gun that another kid had near the school bus stop before getting on the bus. The kid is not a trouble maker, he is an honor roll student, he did not bring the gun, no one was threatened, air soft guns are classified in america as "Toys". a 7 day suspension in this case is BS.
  17. www.thelakecaster.com is the link he was refering to. Its a good site for Toledo and Rayburn along with www.toledo-bend.com Thanks for the replies so far. I have read every BR article I could find on jig fishing I just wanted to get some other opinions on how well my idea for learning the jig would work and how they would go about it.
  18. I am wanting to learn to fish the Jig, I am thinking of goin to BPS and buying a plano tacklebox and stuffing it with Various jigs. Taking all my other tackleboxes out of my boat and goin out every day with nothing but a jig to throw. Do you think that would help me learn to fish them? With a $60-$100 price range: What brand jigs would you buy? What weight? Color selection? What jig would you fish in stained( 1 to 2 foot vis) water? What depth ranges would you reccomend a certain weight jig at? How do you work a jig shallow and deep?
  19. hook it through the egg sack and chunk away its a old rigging method used called diffrent things in diffrent area's but most commonly wacky rig.
  20. Welcome!!
  21. Thats funny right there!!! Dont underestimate the power of stupid!!
  22. Guess what other brand Genmar makes! Ranger!!!!!
  23. Pick up some shakey Head Jigs and some soft plastics, also read up on the Drop Shot its pretty hot right now. If your ever in East Texas near Toledo I will buy you a meal and we can fish Thanks for your Service!!
  24. Well Said!!!!
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