I was at the local area fishing after the rain let up today and a couple of kids approached me and asked me what I was fishing with and where I was going to fish. I told them where I was going and showed them the plastic worm I was going to try and they said "we tried those but we didn't catch any", then one asked "how do you use them, hang them off of a bobber ?"
So I showed them how I rigged a Texas rig with a small bullet weight, offset hook and how to tie a Palomar knot. I had them watch how I worked it a couple of times and let them try my spot I was working (I had caught one during the demonstration).
It worked well, two casts, let it fall, twitch, reel up the slack, twitch etc. and it worked. They were catching fish.
I loaned them a couple of hooks and weights and told them that if they lost them then thats all I had left.
It was fun, I know that kids should be taught not to talk to strangers, someone had left them there alone(allot of kids will ride there bikes to this lake with no adults) but I hope it planted a seed with them to keep fishing and they would be more interested because they caught some.
I managed to catch a few my self, and it feels good to pass it on to the next generation.