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About dave

  • Birthday 04/09/1965

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  • Location
    Bowie, MD
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  • Favorite Lake or River
    Dragon Run Swamp

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Community Answers

  1. I have a Castaway HG40 Bud Pruitt Flippin' Stick that I don't really use and would not part with.
  2. A wise, old fisherman friend (78 years old and going strong who once owned a tackle shop) told me the best advice for catching more fish. I read through this thread and I hope I didn't miss it. The advice? MAKE SURE YOUR HOOK IS SHARP! New, does not mean sharp.
  3. When I owned two boats, the smaller one that parked on the carports tires were fine. The trailer that sat it the driveway, dry rot.
  4. I'm a 6', 6'3" and max 6'8" kind of guy.
  5. I looked through every post here and I will only say I've seen all the "I can cast XX yards", posts over my span of time here on BR. I have been here since 2004. I have always said to take your rods to your local football field. Stand at the goal line. Cast, cast, cast. Hang head, hang head, hang head... Your cast isn't as far as you think it is...
  6. And just when you've been using it for 30 years and completely feel that you "get it", you'll get a backlash and the mystery continues...
  7. How good a writer for the guitar was Jimi? Listen to Stevie Ray play his music...
  8. https://www.tochtermansfishingtackle.com/ Celebrating 108 years.
  9. I too, thought I saw a ghost...
  10. A good friend and one of the smartest fisherman I've ever met, owned a tackle shop years ago. When customers would come in, some would inevitably ask, "how can I catch more fish?" He would reply, first asking them to not think he was being a smart aleck, (pardon the old guy word...) "sharpen your hook". Years later, fishing with a client, we were on a spinnerbait bite. I landed every bite and he landed just half of his. Exacerbated, he asked me what I thought he was doing wrong. I told him that it might sound dumb but, sharpen your hook. He said that it was brand new out of the package. I told him to check it for sharpness. Then I took it from him and sharpened it. Checking it after, he couldn't believe how much sharper I was able to get the hook. He didn't lose any more fish. He is in his 70's and having fished all his life, never thought sharpening the hook made that much of difference.
  11. I had a charter a few years ago wearing fishing bifocals. Smith Optics. I've had a pair ever since. Man O man were they worth it.
  12. I got into them years ago with Bud Erhardt Fishin' Sticks. All of my customs are spiral wrapped. Cast further, less torque on the blank, sensitive AND, the looks on peoples faces when they are holding the rod and can't figure out what's wrong with your rod. Also referred to as acid wrapped.
  13. I replaced all mine with Gomexus "Feel" cylindrical aluminum handles for my baitcasters.
  14. Feels like a blast from the past. I'd forgotten all about the "flippin' switch".
  15. I've owned the Black Max 3600's in the past. I really liked them.
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