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About WIII-60

  • Birthday February 25

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    Kansas City, MO
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. I'd like to, but leaving the tile and bullnose would cause the beardboard to be about 3/4" out from the wall. Maybe even an inch now that I've gotten up and looked at it. I'll go with fourbizz's idea and start whacking them with a hammer. After trying that I'll re-assess and decide.
  2. That youtube video is awesome!
  3. Cool. Thanks for the tips.
  4. Need some advice: My wife wants the tile on our bathroom walls replaced with beadboard. The problem is that it looks like the tile was pressed directly onto VERY thick plaster and lath. It almost looks like the bathroom was intended to pull double duty as a tornado shelter. I'd like to just remove the tile, seeing as how cosmetics is a non-issue since it will be covered by the beadboard. I really don't want to demo the lower half of the wall. Would some sort of oscillating tool get it done? Anybody have any ideas or experience with this?
  5. Cool. I like that idea even better. So, did you glue the mat down and then glue the carpet to the mat?
  6. Nice! Thanks sir. I was looking for something on the cheap like that. I was reading all the high-speed literature on pre-cut boat mats thinking, "so why is this $9 a foot?."
  7. We're going to be re-carpeting a 17' Nitro. I'd like to put down some anti-fatigue matting under the new carpet. Similar to what most new boats have. I've found one brand called pro-tech. It's around $10 a square foot. Anyone know of more brands? Anyone have experience installing this stuff?
  8. I have two Okuma spinning reels. Aveon. I like them.
  9. I have the crucial. I've not used the others you listed, but I do like the crucial very much. It's paired with a revo winch and I can zing bandit 700's a long, long way. I also use it for jigging spoons down deep also. It works well for me there too.
  10. I'm in absolute awe of your unabashed manliness.
  11. RW, bless you for your honesty.
  12. I use the clipdraw. I have one on a smith and wesson 642 and a glock 27 with a plus-one grip. Some people won't like it because its not an actual "holster", but to each their own. It was a bit unnerving to have a gun just jammed in my pants at first, but for the minimalist it's as good as I've found. I've worn one or the other basically everyday for the last year without issue. I don't plan on using an actual holster again after having these.
  13. http://www.flipcollective.com/2010/01/26/if-you-rebuild-it-they-will-come-by-paul-shirley/
  14. My wife has a murano. We got the same letter. After digging around, it turns out that it is in response to the probability of a class action lawsuit. Obviously, when the CVT fails the vehicle can't move when the accelerator is pressed. i.e. at a busy intersection, or railroad crossing. The cost to replace it is also around 5k-6k. Couple those factors and a class action lawsuit was coming down the pipe. I'm glad, like you tony, because it's warrantied for another 50k. That said, I'll sell it before the warranty runs out.
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