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    <p>Central Florida, Florida</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. what about the berkley lightning rod or the browning medallion??
  2. what rod under 100 do u guys use for flippin. any help is great. thanks, jared
  3. i know this has been asked more times known to man. im looking for a baitcast reel for under $130. i have a bunch of old Team Daiwas that are about 20 years old. they work great but i think it's time to update. Thanks, Jared
  4. thanks a lot i like falcon and all star a lot so i think ill go with one of those. which one do you prefer?
  5. i have a bunch of 6.5ft rods so i really need a 7-7.5ft rod. so what brand would be good in a 7ft rod? Thanks, Jared
  6. i forgot to put this before my limit is about 100 maybe a little more
  7. what rod/lenghth/action would be good for carolina and texas rigs? thanks, Jared
  8. i have a tournament at johns lake near clermont. and i was wondering what would be best to use this time of year. thanks for all the help
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