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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. What do I know? I thought pictures on your phone was the stupidest idea.
  2. It's absurd.
  3. Is that a Heineken?
  4. I've done that move, lol. It works. I've also used a cymbal stand, because I have like 25 of them.
  5. Trash pandas!
  6. It's like making love…deeper, slower, feel it. Jig fish in' 101.
  7. The palomar is actually VERY strong with fluoro, but it has to be tied carefully and properly. I used to do a knot strength demo at seminars I held with my speaking partner, Paul, who was a very good angler. We'd both tie a palomar on the same rod and reel and test the break strength. I always got well into the 6.x range with 6 lb. Invisx. He never got over 4. I noticed he let the line roll over itself and pulled it tight from the main line. You gotta snug it up gently and cinch from the tag end. It was always entertaining and eye opening.
  8. Small breeds are not my thing. Gotta have a big dog...
  9. Pencil and a small cardboard box works for me.
  10. Improved clinch, Palomar, and Uni all work well and are all I need.
  11. My dog walker is bonded and has a key to the house. I pay her when we leave the dogs home. The only thing she'd likely steal is my GSD because she loves him so much.
  12. The site isn't live yet anyway.
  13. Works fine for me: https://stcroixrods.com/pages/seviin-gx-spinning-reel?utm_source=mail_chimp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=seviin_gx_trade_pr&utm_id=seviin_gx_trade_pr&goal=0_69290340fa-f79c54ca84-337207353&mc_cid=f79c54ca84&mc_eid=aafaed47ce
  14. Looks like SC is trying to do it right. They've offered reels before, but they were just so-so. That one year unlimited replacement warranty looks to be a deal changer. I don't recall anyone doing that for a reel.
  15. Moving baits that get in the zone by themselves is key. Pick locations where they'll work.
  16. J Francho

    hot dogs

    I can do two Zweigle's - one Texas hot and one pork hot. They gotta be charred and popped. https://zweigles.com/products/pop-open-picnic-pack/
  17. What's not to understand? There are more jobs than are people looking for work. $18/hour is gonna be a very competitive job market. That's a few thousand less than $40k, assuming working 40 hour weeks, 52 weeks per year. OP, your friend is gonna have to do better. There are unskilled factory jobs here for $20/hour, plus 80 hours PTO, full benes, quarterly reviews/raises, other perks, etc. Those guys that no showed are probably working and not lazy at all. They're just making more somewhere else.
  18. Tails up baby!
  19. Article is nearly 30 years old, and still triggering some big assumptions. I would generally prefer to seek out the largest fish in a body of water. Probably why I did decent in tournaments.
  20. I'm not sure the intention of the kits was for thieves, but if I can buy them to install the fasteners, then someone certainly can buy them to remove them. Tamper proof <> theft proof.
  21. It's about $20 to get the kit that has all the tamper proof bits, so I'm not sure what the point is.
  22. I use fluoro or braid. Load has nothing to do with it. A moderate taper has too much flex for those baits and you'll lose fish. Might feel better throwing them, but doesn't work when working them through the cover they're designed for. Moderate rods are great for diving cranks and rocks, where deflection off the bottom is key. That isn't what this post is about. They're also terrible at driving a jig hook home in anything less than a heavy power. An XF gets into the power section way quicker to set that big hook. For square bills, a bit slower than that, but still fast allows you to react to the cover you should be fishing - stumps, docks, laydowns. You can kill the bait quicker with a fast rod when you make contact without sacrificing the wobble. Two baits, two techniques, two different rods.
  23. I use a fast rod for for square bills and an XF for chatterbaits. Depending on cover or bait size I pick M or MH.
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