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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Well, I am a scrum master and build and release engineer for a huge .NET web app used by most schools in NY state.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I fixed it.
  3. I started with a big, fully outfitted Ocean Kayak Prowler Big Game. Aside from realizing and accepting certain limitations, it wasn't frustrating at all. The boat actually had too many amenities that I didn't always need. Get a good hull, and keep the rigging simple. All that's on my Hobie Compass is a graph, arm, paddle holder. The wind sucks, even with a pedal drive. Tell you the truth, it sucks in a 20' bass boat, too. Good anglers learn that where ever it's most difficult to fish, often yields the better fish.
  4. I had @Siebert Outdoors make me a pink puffball jig from living rubber and a compact Owner hook. We called it the bed bug and it is meant to be fished trailer-less specifically for bed fishing. I still have them. That and hair or marabou jigs are the only other jigs I can think of that would be fished trailer-less.
  5. Thanks @cadman. I was about to post the same
  6. I have no time for brand bashing. Don't make me be moderator J Francho. I'd much rather be member J Francho.
  7. Try: https://postimages.org/
  8. That's cool. My family raised and raced T-breds. I rode one once, it's nuts. Much preferred our quarter horse, and western saddle. I'd love to jump some barrels and do some flying changes again. Not so much up for mucking stalls.
  9. Bass beds are somewhat scattered, usually more than 10' apart. Blue gill bedding areas look like honeycombs, with clusters of beds close to each other. Bass definitely spawn first, but I've seen the spawns overlap.
  10. Not sure what you did there, but I fixed it for you. Nice feesh!
  11. All I know there were security updates recently, as well as minor bug fixes. I've seen "guest" posts, but assumed they were from new accounts that had made it through validation, but not yet confirmed. Maybe @Glenn knows? Also, I'm always logged in, unless I'm accidentally using private browsing on mobile.
  12. Nice review. By the looks of that scum line, looks like you're perfectly balanced and low profile on the water. Now you just gotta get some fish slime all over the deck.
  13. I'm not sure how you'd introduce a fish to another water with a plastic boat.
  14. Thanks for that info. I had bad experience with Fluoroclear as well. I think, like Vanish, it's actually designed for walleye fishing, not bass. We subject our line to much more abuse. Both lines are two of the biggest selling lines for over a decade, so they can't be "crap" as many state in this thread. I think they're just the wrong tools.
  15. Always bet on the horse that poops in the paddock before the race.
  16. I don't get fancy. I hose it down if it gets dirty.
  17. I fish when I can. Only extreme wind/waves or lightning chase me off the water.
  18. If it's for starting the motor, you want a marine starting battery. If you're running a trolling motor, you want a deep cycle battery.
  19. Sounds about what I paid. Does a lot for that price.
  20. That could be a ton of things. Not sure anyone can diagnose it online.
  21. I run either a Helix 5 or Helix 7. Both are SI/DI and Lakemaster chips. Really, the 5 is plenty big. You're really close to the screen, and most often I'm split with either CHIRP/DI or CHIRP/GPS. For SI, I'm usually full screen, mostly scanning toward shore.
  22. I used them, along with Culprits. They both fell to the wayside when I discovered PowerBait.
  23. See ya!
  24. I though G. Pucci & Sons Inc. was in San Francisco.
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