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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. There really isn't a substitute, unless you include the Damiki Hydra. This is one that if you want in on the action, you have to pay up.
  2. It doesn't bother mine - I have a tumor on my sciatic - but if it did, it's a complete deal breaker. Glad you figured out a partial solution to stay on the water.
  3. What don't you like about the Compass seat? I'm sure Hobie would appreciate the feedback. I like mine just fine. I did have a problem in the beginning, but it was user error. It helps to read the manual, lol.
  4. Try a Norman Fat Boy. You will be surprised at how well it works, and not just for smallies. https://www.lurenet.com/norman-fat-boy
  5. He should have had them place the hook point to their fingertip, and do the demonstration again. I've hooked bony mouthed steelhead on super long drifts using 8# mono. It doesn't take much to get a hook through, even with the stretch. There's still pressure. This is why sharp hooks are so important. I believe the hook is more important, and line stretch is over played, when talking about lost fish.
  6. I remember those reels, worked on a few back in the day. Good luck on the new stuff.
  7. Branching out into casting gear? How do you like it so far?
  8. Get reading! https://www.bassresource.com/fishing-tournament-tips/ My main tip, is to have fun. Don't pressure yourself to do well.
  9. Exactly! Community holes are often spots with some structural and cover element that is attractive to bass, and are often spots that "reload." The really tough part is finding these spots that aren't well known. That's where you can learn a ton following threads about structure, or off shore fishing.
  10. Nope. We call it fishing pressure. It can have an effect on small waters.
  11. That's definitely it.
  12. This is because Shimano USA has to buy the parts in advance from Shimano Japan. This means they simply cannot keep ordering parts for reels that are aged out. You can usually get parts for a few years after a model has been discontinued. At that point, you're other option is to buy used, donor reels. I've done this to restore several older reels. Sometimes I buy a broken reel if the part I need is good, or if it's a notable reel. Old Abus, Shimanos, Diawas often have parts that are useful for old reels still in action.
  13. I have a Helix 5 and 7. The 5 is fine to me in the kayak, but My viewing distance is 3' or less.
  14. If you buy from dealer inventory, you may be able to negotiate a small discount. But if you order one, you're less likely to get a discount.
  15. This is a pond, about a half mile wide, and a little over a mile long, with what looks to be 3 miles of shoreline. You could literally fish the entire shoreline, and cover most of the water in a half day. Where to fish will be less important than what to fish with. Just let the cover dictate what you use, and fish. No bites, keep moving - pond fishing 101. Good luck, and have fun.
  16. Funny story. We were Boy Scouts together. His mom was the den mother. We hosted all the kids at our cottage for a fishing badge. I gave Eric an old tackle box and some lures. We were probably only 8 years old, but he was hooked. Later he found he had a great grandfather that was a noted fly fisherman, and got interested in that aspect. I just ran into him after dinner on Mother's day. Seems like Mexican is a popular choice, lol. If you're interested in it, here's the Amazon Store front: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/7E6CD6D2-3B02-4355-8458-F94075821D1E?ingress=2&visitId=91aa58d9-0abf-4465-972d-0eef68f79c96&ref_=bl_dp_s_web_13180987011 And the website: https://www.wildwaterflyfishing.com/ Sorry for the off topic stuff. Just throwing in what I know about off shore sourced tackle.
  17. Low BG is NOT a good feeling, diabetic or not.
  18. My buddy owns a fly fishing company. He is an engineer. He actually designed the jets for the fuel injection for the truck I drive. He designs the fly reels, and sends the specs/schematics/CAD-CAM or whatever he uses to a Chinese manufacturer. Several, actually. They provide samples of their work. He picks a company that he thinks is capable of the QC he desires, and negotiates a deal on a large run. He's definitely NOT just rebranding reels that already exist. It's roughly the same process for rods, but a little different. Much of the product gets sent to Amazon fulfillment centers, while some of the more specialized tackle is either made in house, like hand made furled leaders or actual flies, and warehoused in house. He's been doing this for around a decade. I'm not saying this is how EVERYONE does business, but this is his model.
  19. That looks pretty gruesome, but I'm glad you caught it and are okay.
  20. I think 75% of bass fishing can be covered with a 7' mh/f casting rod with 12# fluoro or 50# braid. Is the best for that 75%? Maybe not, but it will serve you well. Now, if you are encountering something totally different, or just want to fish with wacky rigs, Ned rigs, and small inline spinners, then I'd say a 7' m/f spinning rod with 6# fluoro. or 15# braid. Braid and fluoro are much more stable and won't become brittle like mono. I've tested Seguar Invisx and Tatsu on a pinning rod for four seasons. The line showed no signs of degrading. Braid would another durable option for you.
  21. Not just one photo, but 142. The Big Lake is flooding again. Why can't these guys get it right? We can't let any more out, since Montreal is already flooded. Scroll to the bottom for the pics. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/05/30/lake-ontario-flooding/353818001/ Here is some drone footage on FB made by a local news journalist. https://www.facebook.com/JohnKuckoDigital/videos/598763550622352/
  22. You are 100% correct. The BG numbers shouldn't go up. There's an A1C test, or long term blood glucose levels. Healthy adults should be around 6 or less. I struggle to get below 7. Before I was diagnosed, it was over 14. You are also correct about simple sugars. That's why hard candy or glucose tablets are better if I somehow screw up and have a low BG episode. It's usually the result of exercise or any heavy exertion. That is the BEST way to burn off sugar. I meant to make that point earlier. All this work A-Jay and others put in will be of great benefit to their long term health, long beyond just the physical characteristics.
  23. Most smart phones have a 3 and 10 second timer. I use a RAM X-mount and the 3 second timer, or just take an arm's length selfie.
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