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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Navionics, Google Earth, Dark Sky, TourneyX, Windy, and the Camera, are apps I use regularly.
  2. Noel puts all the opens on his site: http://www.wnybass.com/opentournaments/
  3. Rage Chunk, Rage Craw, Rage Lobster.
  4. Mark Croxton can probably fix the prop to better than new. Then you'd have a back up. I'd be wishing for a new LU as well. Good luck getting her back!
  5. Fourscore and 12 years ago, someone fished in the rain.... I know of no set feeding time for bass. They are more active at dusk and dawn (crepuscular). Overcast days are my preference, but fish don't always read these forums, or follow the rules.
  6. Living rubber skirts are great for dead sticking. They actually open up slowly, revealing a the trailer.
  7. Looks like your using the Mat Daddy rod - one of my favorites! Really good job on this one!
  8. Pretty cool!
  9. Mike @Delaware Valley Tackle should be able to take care of you. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/
  10. I've been fishing as long as I can remember. So, at least 45 years.
  11. I'm actually not sure what company it is. I thought we opened the door to talk about thirteen. 13 one three
  12. We're hiring. And we have a pond out back. Just saying, start brushing up on your Javascript skillz...
  13. It's a page with one button. It also works on mobile. A PB&J sandwich is more complicated. Click Choose Image button. Choose Image Click folder icon to the right of the Direct Link Come here Control-V in the reply box Click Submit Reply See picture See unicorns See the future Be happy
  14. Least expensive lure per bass caught with it is a Popmax.
  15. You're out of space here. Just upload to the site I linked, and copy and paste the direct link here. It's that simple.
  16. He's in a time out chair for now. I suggest not feeding the trolls, and report the post. We'll get to it as soon as possible. Thanks all. For now, he's not worth the space on the server.
  17. I had an Xpress, and I wish I never sold it. I think your two best choices are Xpress or Lund.
  18. 2001 called via land line, it wants you to use an image hosting site. Seriously, this site is so simple to use. Plop your image in there, and paste the Direct Link here. Done. https://postimages.org/
  19. My OG PBG was like a floating dock. Sounds more like a confidence thing, or just do a test turtle in shallow water?
  20. Pay to play. Nope.
  21. What are the commitments and what are you getting? Is it worth it? These are the questions you have to ask. Some will require exclusivity, and that means you have to buy a lot.
  22. Yeah I know, I always correct them. GYCB's Baby Bass isn't a laminate. 305 is also a good color for me, especially when the weeds fill in and water turns algae green. At least better than the typical watermelon/flake combos.
  23. Fourscore and five years ago.... Roostertails are sold in different weights. They get bigger as you go up in weight.
  24. Every lake has an owner like that. Last fall, I had a guy screaming threats at me because I was fishing 20 yards in front of his dock, and he didn't want me messing with "his fish." I asked him what his address was. When he asked why, I told him so it would be easier for the police to find his house when I called them if he didn't stop. I agreed to back off his "area" but he had shut his trap, and let me be.
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