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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. You realize he used a weighted treble hook on a drop shot rig. How is it any different than what I'm describing? Never mind, don't answer that. It's totally impossible. What was I thinking. ?
  2. Dude, I literally watch bass approach my drop shot bait, and take it on 2D. With new 3D, 360, Live Vision, Panoptix and what not, it's totally do-able.
  3. I think his point was that someone could intentionally snag fish this way. I can see my spoon, and the fish's proximity on even a simple 2D sonor. Imagine what you might be able to do with some of the latest tech.
  4. Why don't they show the baits in real time? The slo-mo footage will make any baits action seem dramatic.
  5. I don't really know if there are real "numbers baits," but I do know there are "numbers spots."
  6. It happens using Hopkins Shorty spoons, jigging for deep smallies, too. They usually take it on the drop, but every once in a while, snag one on the lift. I think NY is a "in the mouth" state, but that might only be trout. Not sure. I don't keep bass or catch records, so it matters little.
  7. Yep, we all miss him too. Such a genuine dude.
  8. I think gill success is very water specific. My Hardgill is chipped to heck. It’s a swimmer, but not on all waters. Find the right water, and a gill will destroy.
  9. I think the really disturbing part is bringing fish to different lakes to fake a record. That takes cajones. I get lying about where you caught a pig to keep people off the scent, but that’s really bad. Never fished a lake and pull a teener out of it? Then pull that in tx? Sheesh.
  10. New phone came yesterday. Love it.
  11. NY and PA. Going to DC this weekend, but I doubt I'll have time to fish.
  12. Was it a smallie?
  13. I've fished both, and for me fishing was better on Kensico, but that was a decade ago. In order to really do well, you need to have access to a boat. The regular crew that fishes there are notoriously tight lipped, and very skeptical of new people. I would prefer to have a boat on Croton. There are tons of rules for the ressies. I would be fishing one of the boat storage spots, and trying to meet and make friends with someone with boat access. You could also reach out to Outcast Bass Club http://outcastbass.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 They are a solid group of guys. If you do, reach out to Dennis, "Big D." Tell him I said hey man!
  14. I would totally roll with a pink OB.
  15. I'll say. It really WAS about the money.
  16. I've definitely had a bass pick up a jig, after missing the strike, and feeling it spit the jig. Seconds later I got a bite, and set the hook. Maybe it was a different fish, hard to know. It was 4+ and on a prime spot in a pond.
  17. If you look carefully, the chimney starter is smoking. There may have been a Genny Light in my hand, off camera
  18. Congratuslations! Looking forward to your contributions. Enjoy!
  19. Order it, and go fishing. It'll be fine for one weekend.
  20. Myself included!
  21. It's a trolling motor, for goodness sake, not a cure for herpes. My dog is a Shiba Inu mix, lol. She gives me that look all the time.
  22. Why do they always use suspense movie music when dropping new products?
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