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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. It's a family friendly site. ?
  2. Thre's a few guys that are from that area, hopefully they'll jump and report. I know spring was really slow developing. The bays off Lake Ontario are finally on fire. I would assume the same of Erie.
  3. I'd be hitting anything that resembled flooded brush and timber. That's where I saw and caught most of my fish.
  4. Wash them using Megastrike, then pretreat with KVD L&L. When dry, seal with U40. You'll get 10 more yards from all your casts.
  5. You could bundle it up, start a YouTube channel and charge $9.99 + shipping and handling.
  6. Went down to the dump for a mid day jaunt, yesterday. I was on them pretty good on Saturday, but the storms chased me off. I was hoping they'd still be up in the flooded brush, fallen trees, and flooded timber. They were. Fished from 11-3:30, with a break to eat a chili cheese dog at the Bayside. Northeast breeze, 10mph. Water Surface was down to 78 from 85 on Saturday. Ragetail Craw in Bama Craw, T-rigged with 1/2 oz. flipping weight. No other baits necessary. Fallen timber and isolated pockets in the weeds was the program. Nothing huge, largest of 17 fish caught went 19". No pics of the that fish. Let's just say, I WON'T be endorsing the BPS brand fish grip any time soon. Most were like the cookie cutter 3 shown below. All post spawn. Some blue gills are still on beds. Due to no wake restrictions, the weeds have grown in strong this year, and the water is clear. The dump is actually pretty nice when it's not soupy brown and churned up from the boat traffic.
  7. I've been using a KastKing Assasin for three years on a heavy jig and worm rod. Caught 17 yesterday, no issues hauling them out of the cover. The reel should be fine for frogging.
  8. For a foam type for kayaking, another vote for the Stohlquist Fisherman. For inflatables, I go with a Mustang with HIT, but that's out of your range. http://stohlquist.com/life-jackets/fishing-pfds/fisherman.html
  9. Let's string some junk up before the hook, and call it something. What issue does this solve? What new problems does it create? It's basically a catfish rig without the swivel stop.
  10. Picked up a pair of DC Shoes x Skate Jawn OG Lynx at my local skateshop on sale for $90. That's higher than I usually go.
  11. It's literally stated in the article, and has been compiled this way for decades. The list is mostly the same, year after year, with small changes. ******************************************************************* As far as dissing the St. Lawrence, someone point to me in Florida where I can catch 25+ lbs. limits of smallmouth bass, regularly.
  12. I was there Friday to Saturday to see my friends' band play at the 9:30 club. The only site seeing was down at the warf and a drink at The Brighton. I did get to witness the mayhem that is Stan's. Good wings there. I'm sure it's gonna be nuts tomorrow! I really thought they were all threaded iron pipe. I think it's code in NY to be a metal connector. Maybe not anymore. I suppose a breach or compromise is safer with a plastic main - no sparks.
  13. Seriously? Plastic? I had no idea. Just having a chat with the barkeeper at the Marriot Marquis in DC.
  14. When you see blue gill beds, bass spawn is done. Post spawn can be tough fishing. Takes a bit of recovery time before they settle back into summer patterns. I have seen late spawning bass in years past, when we have a brutal spring. As late as July.
  15. My second largest NY caught bass (7-1) was on a Jackall Flick Shake worm rigged on a wacky jig. It works well, especially when there's some wind and it's hard to keep the worm down.
  16. Several companies make wacky jigs. They do what you describe.
  17. This product looks like it would re3ally help: http://www.adaptiveoutdoorsman.com/strongarm.html Nice bird -dog @Sam!
  18. Chuck Connors is one of 13 athletes ever to play both baseball and basketball at the highest pro levels. He was also in one of my all time favorite TV shows, The Rifleman.
  19. Didn't the weight transfer in Lucky Craft baits precede Megabass?
  20. Fished a two day club tournament there over a decade ago. Really beautiful place. We fished one the first day, and the other the next. They both had good fish.
  21. That dude really loves popcorn.
  22. It doesn't really matter, we're splitting hairs over a couple of feet. There's even measurements on the screen in live time. It isn't nearly as blind snagging as you'd think. I see what they're saying, but someone could easily use the tech to use a cast net if they wanted. The over arching theme is that his cheating evolved over time. As safeguards were put in place, he figured out other ways to cheat.
  23. So that would be a no. Cool. Conversating has begun, and we agree on the snagging thing.
  24. Dude, we were speculating as to how someone MIGHT try it. Then you come along and ask for proof. Really? I'm dropping it and bringing it back ML discussion. So you think snagging records is cool or not?
  25. I know how sonar works. Thanks. I use it all the time to catch smallies in 30ish feet of water. It's not unreasonable that someone might try, and actually succeed. Here's a good diagram. The cones aren't huge as you think. Never mind forward looking Panoptix.
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