Went down to the dump for a mid day jaunt, yesterday. I was on them pretty good on Saturday, but the storms chased me off. I was hoping they'd still be up in the flooded brush, fallen trees, and flooded timber. They were. Fished from 11-3:30, with a break to eat a chili cheese dog at the Bayside. Northeast breeze, 10mph. Water Surface was down to 78 from 85 on Saturday. Ragetail Craw in Bama Craw, T-rigged with 1/2 oz. flipping weight. No other baits necessary. Fallen timber and isolated pockets in the weeds was the program. Nothing huge, largest of 17 fish caught went 19". No pics of the that fish. Let's just say, I WON'T be endorsing the BPS brand fish grip any time soon. Most were like the cookie cutter 3 shown below. All post spawn. Some blue gills are still on beds. Due to no wake restrictions, the weeds have grown in strong this year, and the water is clear. The dump is actually pretty nice when it's not soupy brown and churned up from the boat traffic.