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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Glenn just put a video out that addresses budget baits:
  2. I like this video a lot. It's pretty cool that you back it up with catches.
  3. I made it through the 90s without any tattoos. Still don't have any.
  4. No clue, but I do know that Raymarine and Lowrance have a similar feature.
  5. Right now, pros are qualifying for the summer Olympics. Nyjah Huston.
  6. Who are these people with TLAs for names?
  7. Sunday, between 11:30 and 3:30, I caught 17 LMB all on 1/2 oz. Rage Craw in Bama Craw. Last night just four, same bait. And ladies and gents, I broke one off at the knot. Lest you think we mods are perfect. I can't remember the last time that's happened, and I had just retied. Who knows? Anyway, with all the flooding, fishing has been good, especially for that body of water (Irondequoit Bay). None of the fish I caught were huge, but none under 3 lbs.
  8. Those big boy boats. I'd prefer the option of a 360 drive on my Compass.
  9. I doubt he was using a spinning rod with 12# fluoro. Edit, dang it, beat me!
  10. Three rivers is a pretty cool place to fish. I used to fish team open tournaments there with my buddy.
  11. Not even close. Rochester, NY.
  12. Just saw that, it looks pretty awesome.
  13. A still clip of a backside boardslide. On an old tube TV. Not bad for 47 years old.
  14. I noticed the same, which is why I use fluoro for spoons and inline spinners when I go brown/steelhead trout fishing in fall.
  15. Please share this code. In all seriousness, I generally just pick a few colors that I like the looks of, and worry little about what is the Right color. My own mood, or my perception of what might have contrast in the water, or even what I observed in the color of a crawfish or bait fish swimming by has more influence than a hard and fast rule like the water is [stained, muddy, clear, pea soup] so I must throw [black, blue, watermelon, chartreuse].
  16. Beautiful spot, and sounds like fun.
  17. Deep Wee-R and Deep Crawfish were game changers, back in the 80s. I also caught a bunch on Benos. Rapala Countdowns should get mention.
  18. When I was a kid, plastics seemed like a luxury to me. You not only had to buy the baits, but you had to get sinkers, jigs, and hooks. Or, I could buy a crankbait for $3-4 and catch hundreds of fish on that single crankbait. I suppose this is why I'm a pretty good crankbait angler today.
  19. Nice!
  20. That would be a good setup for pitch skipping a jig under docks. Almost exactly what I use, plus you have DC.
  21. I don't use flasher mode, but I always use the RTS (Real Time Scanner) mode when viewing Chirp 2D sonar. It's in REAL TIME, not a history. It really helps when I'm fishing deep, with a drop shot. I can see my bait, and anything that approaches the bait.
  22. I've run both for years. Thinking about a pond prowler or small jon as well. They all have their purpose, though lately, I've preferred my Hobie Compass over all.
  23. Did you mistype that 3/4"? The's the size of a crappie jig, which will probably catch bass of any size, if they're in the mood. I throw what is considered small to medium swimbaits and can confirm they catch bass of all sizes, including smallmouth, which seem to love the 6" Spro BBZ Trout.
  24. I literally LOL'd.
  25. That's a good question. I generally rig them deep in the plastic, about halfway through, unless I'm using lighter line, then it's close to the surface. I like it deep, so I don't hang up or tear the bait in heavy cover when I whiff on the hookset. I use a fairly hard, upward hookset. Yesterday, all 17 bass I caught were hooked in the roof of the mouth, with the plastic bunched up in the middle of the hook. I can't explain why it works, it just does, so I stick with it.
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