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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. And who to ask, if you don't know.
  2. You know what's really odd? Numbers not divisible by two.
  3. Gain is too high, and showing particulate clutter in the water.
  4. Good for her working a job, and learning a work ethic.
  5. Could touch 100° according to some reports. It was 80° and humid this morning before the sun came up.
  6. When I'm reborn as a fish, which karma will most certainly guarantee, I'll get back to you.
  7. My Mustang HIT has worked all three times it was submerged. Two were actual accident, one in cold water even. The other was me testing an expired cartridge - still worked fine. There's also a manual override.
  8. Thus, Asian carp ARE invasive. Our lakes are NOT part of their natural range. You can't call walleye invasive to a lake that is part of their natural range, just because the DNR enhances fish stocks. That's THE specific example I was referring to.
  9. Good stuff. Interesting thoughts on what direction you hook the bait with the Neko. I've always just popped a nail weight into a wacky rig, and called it a Neko. I'll have to get a little more discriminating about my rigging. Thanks!
  10. They're unisex.
  11. New Deck Ross Norman "Wild Child" by Politic.
  12. Put them away, boys. Looks like the OP got a resolution.
  13. Every new worker needs to trained how to work hard. Today we have ways to work smarter, too. I don't work in an environment that most would consider heavy labor (web development), but I work with a lot of very hard working people ranging from millennial, to gen x, to hippies, to baby boomers. We all learned the value of contributing. I don't see any correlation to home ownership and laziness. Laziness is usually a sign of boredom, which I see as a kind of anger. Find out what makes them happy, teach the to work hard and smart, hold them accountable, and you'll get contributions.
  14. Season with garlic and dill to taste.
  15. I'm 47, and I still love splitting firewood by hand. That looks like good fun, if it's not your daily job.
  16. That anything matters, until it does.
  17. Nice fish in the heat! This always amazed me when we'd go swimming around our dock, too. Not even just under it in the shade, either. You'd hit cold spots, and warm spots. Some cold spots were much cooler than water temps, which up here can get close to 90. Tells me that surface temps don't tell the whole story.
  18. So, slow down when you don't get a back lash.
  19. You're probably right about less nerve endings, but pulling a hooked fish and touching the fish illicit the same basic fight or flight response, because they feel something, and try to get away.
  20. HA! @Keri's reaction when one hits twice! Good stuff!
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