A set of Thule or Yakima cross bars and risers that are made for your specific car model are the best. You can get away with one of the foam block kits, but you'll want to upgrade if you transport it a lot. A note about straps. The nylon webbing straps are terrible, and slip. You want a blue polypropylene webbed strap, like what Thule, Yakima, or NRS make. They do not slip. No one in the kayak business recommends ratcheting straps, as it is too easy to over tighten them, and crush your boat. I always warn against using them. for one kayak, skip the J-hooks, and use the rack system pads, or just pool noodles for padding. You'll want to get a small bath mat for loading and unloading. There's plenty of videos that show one person loading techniques that wont kill your car or your back.