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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Solving more problems that don't exist.
  2. Mind blowing, and heartbreaking. Thanks for their sacrifice.
  3. Good lord, go fishing guys.
  4. Here's the fix for that:
  5. I like this MB bait, but yeah, $13 is prohibitive. Doesn't Boo-Yah make a swim jig with a similar winged head design? Thread a Zappu jig spinner on one, and you may have a slightly less pricey alternative.
  6. I have two straight paddles. The only time I use either of them is when I go out with my partner. She gets the good paddle since I'm mostly pedaling.
  7. That's a cool trick, and not just for toads.
  8. I like the Camino blade design. It's similar to my AT Oracle Carbon: https://www.atpaddles.com/us/paddles/oracle-carbon
  9. Look up "jacking a crankbait." Basically, you put a loose bullet weight in front of the crankbait, just enough weight to make it sink. Let hit the bottom, and fish it like a jerkbait, sort of. It's awkward, but I've caught fish in 40+ FOW. Not my favorite thing to do, but is a creative solution.
  10. 11. An All time favorite of mine. Just picked this album on 180g vinyl. Could have been released last week for all I know.
  11. I've seen this posted at least a dozen times. I'll keep it in mind next time I come across a big bass bedding in a homemade sand paper line testing machine. It has to be one of the worst examples of testing line I've ever seen. It reminds me of the guy that rigorously rubs different lines over a rock to prove mono is the best choice. Actually fish with the stuff, then report back. That's how I've figured out what works for me. Maybe it doesn't work for you? Who knows, I just report what I find. Line choices are very personal, and confidence in the line you choose is a basic cornerstone when fishing. It's more basic than even being able to cast. Lose faith, and your whole game is off. Monetized YouTube videos don't mean anything to me.
  12. Yes, that's a Coosa. It's only redeeming quality is the seat, and everyone else has caught up with that. I think my favorite feature is how the scupper holes work like little volcanoes to create geysers when you paddle in waves. It really special that they put two, each pointed at your butt cheeks, under the seat. Plugs are a must. The other two boats are a C140 and Hobie Compass. Teaching kayak fishing at a local kayak shop gives me access to all kinds of boats.
  13. It's best to go easy on a fish that feels like a jumper. Most of my biggest fish just dug down, and didn't try to jump at all. It's the rats that go nuts.
  14. I tried some Orvis leader that was designated "bass" leader, too. It looked to be around 6-8# line, but broke at far less. Tossed mine too.
  15. I would rate it POOR compared to this list of boats: OG OK PBG (only slightly worse, though) Ride 115 Commander 120/140 Lure Moken 12 Native Ultimate 12 Malibu (can't remember 12' the model) Hobie Compass. There it sits in my back yard. Haven't bothered paddling it in at least a year.
  16. Better knot strength, lower memory, harder formula, better abrasion resistance. If you're looking for the best answer, it's use leader material for leaders. If you're looking for a cheaper route, use whatever you want. We'll be here to help when you start breaking off.
  17. There is a spot where a ledge at 20' drops off to around 75' rather abruptly. I throw a Popmax there, from the deep water, and smallies crush it halfway to the boat, over that deep water. I assume they are sitting on that 20' ledge, and attacking from a distance.
  18. Take your time with the connection knot. Well tied is better than any particular knot. I caught this fish using a triple surgeon knot (15# braid to 6# leader) because I was in a hurry to catch this fish. Story about that fish here: https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot-bedding-bass.html
  19. For 20-40 I only need a 1 oz. Hopkins Shorty Spoon and a drop shot setup.
  20. Point and click remote? That's cool!
  21. Fourscore and 11 years ago someone wanted to dress up a Texas Rig I used to like to put a bead between the hook and bullet. I went so far as to buy fancy beads from stores in Corning, NY. Somewhere along the way, I stopped doing it. Nothing has changed with my success/failure rate with a Texas rig.
  22. Water levels aren't dropping anytime soon. Two feet high is the new normal.
  23. Some JDM lures just warp the time/space continuum. But seriously, weight transfer systems are pretty much standard in long profile hard baits.
  24. Do you even carb, bro? Apple fritter donut french toast. </endThread>
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