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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Here is probably the best source for info: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/83310.html And here is the map: https://nysdec.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=ae91142c812a4ab997ba739ed9723e6e There are three sites noted in the bay I frequently fish in, but it hasn't really affected anything like the high water has.
  2. All the talk lately is of Hobie's top of the line Pro Angler, but did you know there are more affordable options from Hobie? I fish out of a Compass, but the Hobie Mirage Passport is even more reasonable, and packs many features that you expect from Hobie. The recessed hull is pretty cool for beaching without removing the Mirage Drive. They also included their bullet proof twist and seal hatch. Anyone of our members get some seat time in one? Looks like a sweet small water boat.
  3. Labor Day is two weeks away.
  4. Years ago, I was fishing a frog in a pond that had some big bass in it. I was seeing blow ups that were missing by a foot or more. I couldn't understand it until I saw what was really happening. My frog was attracting the attention of a ton of sunnies. They were following the frog, some even nipped at the skirts. Then I saw it. A huge bass came flying out from a weed pocket, and ate a distracted sunny. I started following up with a Mattlures Hardgill, and destroy them on that pond to this day.
  5. 22 years ago, almost to the day. My dad:
  6. Fourscore and nine years ago, someone wondered about rough water. Here's a pic from 22 years ago of me with a Lake Ontario smallmouth. We fished out of a 15' tiller deep-v. That day we were dealing with lazy, 2-3' rollers. If it was white caps, it would be a picture from the bay. Rollers are one thing, chop is another.
  7. That's pretty wild.
  8. This is a fun trick to play on a non boater - switch the console graph to demo mode.
  9. My exciting purchase this year is a furnace.
  10. This would be my dream boat as well. Doing so means many $$$ on the boat and upgrading to a 3/4 ton pickup.
  11. I have a White bird. It isn't as sensitive as other rods in this price range, but the solid tip may be a plus for a shore fisherman. I wouldn't call it Ugly Stik tough, but I was pretty mean to it, and it didn't break. So, if durability against poor treatment is a must, then it's an option. Otherwise, meh.
  12. I fish so much slop, there must be times a bass bit when there was junk on my bait.
  13. There's a popular site that performed unbiased testing on several brands of mono and fluoro. Mono stretches more than fluoro, when wet. The difference between wet and dry was significant. Fluoro wasn't as affected, which makes sense because mono is porous, fluoro is not. I wish they did the tests using line conditioners, like KVD L&L as well.
  14. My queen will tag along for a few trips each summer. She fishes, but I think the just enjoys being on the water, watching and listening to me talk my way through the puzzle of the day. This is from last summer, fishing our old dock. That dock is still one of the best spots around.
  15. Water surface temperature.
  16. Why not just use an image hosting site, like https://postimages.org/ Pick the image, and copy and paste the Direct Link here. Works every time.
  17. Was the line wet or dry? There's a difference.
  18. I once gad 50# braid break off on a bomb cast. I was throwing a frog in some pretty nasty reeds, pads, and slop. I had not retied after several fish and several hours of fishing. I noticed the braid was getting pretty frayed where it broke off. It's something I pay attention to now, and hasn't happened since with that heavy a line.
  19. I'm not a fan of anything that isn't body on frame (read: TRUCK) for towing, but looking at the specs, it looks like any trim level, Premium and above, will be capable. Will it be the best? No. I've also heard opinions from guys that won't go below a 3/4 ton diesel for a 20' bass boat. That seems like overkill, but okay. Can you get on some Suby forums or FB groups and search/ask if any current owners have experience? Suby owners are almost cult like with their enthusiasm, and would definitely share their experience.
  20. Uh oh....don't tell @tcbass
  21. I did get a choice of three plans from my employer, or I can shop on the NYS Exchange. I would say benefits are one the first things I ask about when applying for a job. I pay my fair share for insurance, about 8% of my gross income. Add in co-pays, and that number jumps. Factor in that insulin and insulin pump supplies quadrupled in out of pocket costs, and maybe you get the picture. Ever look at that "maximum out of pocket" number when enrolling, and think yeah, I'll never hit that. I hit it in April. Emptied my FSA as well. I spend around 18-21% of my income to stay alive. Do you think that's fair? I'm okay with it. And no banning for meaningful dialog.
  22. Use the second line on PostImages, called Direct Link. Just paste in the box here. Works every time. Nice fish!
  23. I think you ran into more than your fair share of jerks in a short time period. It'll pass. That said, take a look inward, and inspect your own behavior to see if you are doing something to attract the attention of the jerks. I know when I'm in a bad mood, everyone around me feeds off it, and life seldom happens smoothly.
  24. Next time, order some jigs from Mike @Siebert Outdoors. Less hassle, no gardening. Get the wire tied skirts - they last forever.
  25. The new building is coming along nice. Can't wait to work there!
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