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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Buy the right ones (I linked to them) and they do not come loose. Been transporting kayaks on vehicles for a dozen years using them. This is a non issue if you use the right ones.
  2. I haven't seen any wear from mine. It's not cinched down real tight, just insurance against backward movement from the boat. I'm loading stern first, so there's a lot of weight in the bed itself.
  3. I like NRS straps. They don't slip like the slick nylon ones you find in sporting goods stores. https://www.nrs.com/category/4342/straps/
  4. https://www.bankrate.com/calculators/smart-spending/boat-loan-calculator.aspx
  5. https://orig00.deviantart.net/38b3/f/2013/074/7/d/trevor_s_internet_medal_of_honor_by_thegablekid-d5y46h6.jpg
  6. Or you can just flip the drive around. That's free. I'll have to make a video of me doing it. It's not the ideal solution, but it works.
  7. I slide it through lines on the T-handle on the Compass. For my other two boats, they are riveted handles, so, just around the handle.
  8. Yeah, but from my perspective, it can be tough. Some of the code is 20 years old, so we're constantly refactoring, and updating to modern standards. It keeps us busy. Education system is not a terrible place to be. I feel like my work matters more than when I worked at Xerox.
  9. Ratchet straps a no-no with kayaks. People have a tendency to over tighten them, and warp/crack the hull. Since working at a kayak shop, I've seen a lot of it.
  10. No, that was what I was thinking. I haven't heard of Wengage. Our product does all that, as well as grading, GPA calculations, RCs, transcripts, scheduling, master schedule, attendance, parent portal, etc, but NY only. I know many districts , including my home city, use a variety of apps, loosely connected. Probably still not enough to get you to move to NY, lol.
  11. I back my Hobie Compass into the bed, and use a short cam lock strap to connect the rear handle to the tie down in the bed, near the cab. I run another longer cam lock strap around the hull, and attach to the tie down near the tailgate. Different kayaks with be a little different. You basically want to prevent any side to side movement, and keep it from sliding off the back.
  12. The three things you want to address seat are seat/foot peg position, paddle storage, then rod storage. After that, You'll find you want something rigged up for tools here, or a rod holder there. I like to mock up the rigging with duct tape before drilling holes or installing rigging rails.
  13. I smash the barbs down when I'm steelhead fishing in winter. It's easier to remove the hook from a big trout in the freezing cold and makes for a quicker release. For bass, it's not a problem, so I leave the barbs alone.
  14. Why are you using a Tokyo rig? I'm certain that a standard Texas Rig would work in a shallow, shoreline presentation. To answer your question, you generally pick what weight gives the action and weed penetration you desire. There is no "best" size.
  15. Here's what I use: https://www.gamakatsu.com/product/trailer-hook-sp/
  16. I'll just leave this here. Lulz.... https://i.postimg.cc/g0Vx0kSZ/bills.jpg
  17. RAM tough
  18. They do work in reverse on the Compass, if you flip the pedal drive. I've done this when the breeze is driving me into shore. Typically, I am standing, so I just grab one of the pedals, and give a few flicks to get into better position. I would bet you can do the same on this boat.
  19. Which SMS are you using? I know it's not ours, because we're NYS only.
  20. That's definitely unusual, and probably local to your PC. What browser?
  21. "It's a giant-giant!" "1 lb. 10 oz." LOLOLOL!
  22. I love this!
  23. No one is. We're done here. OP: I wouldn't spend too much if they're one time use. Just get some cheap Frog Togs.
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