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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. That advice wasn't directed at you, just general. Also, keep in mind that if you use one browser on PC, and the same for mobile they often share history and location data.
  2. Take a look at what apps are using location services on your phone. That stuff def gets scraped for marketing.
  3. What's really weird is that anyone thinks that advertisers need to listen in to accurately market to you specifically. You all realize this is a highly developed science? They don't need to listen in. And yes, it weirds me out too.
  4. My custom build has an 11" rear grip which reaches exactly to my bicep when I'm holding the rod comfortably. I didn't want a long handle to interfere with big floating twitch baits and 11" gives plenty of leverage.
  5. I think if your 5 things you do well are diverse, you can do better than someone trying new things all the time. This bears out in my own experience with being a moderator and constantly trying new gear or new baits rather than what I'm familiar with. In some ways, I think that experience adds honesty to my reviews, but it takes away from honing my strengths. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to help suss out the good stuff and let you all know what I found. It was a privilege and a burden. If you don't know what your 5 things are, pick one thing you like to do, and focus your time on it. I spent most of my early teen years throwing diving cranks. My later teens were spent throwing T-rig worms. I've thrown a form of a drop shot since childhood. These are three diverse techniques that would serve any angler almost anywhere, especially if they're fishing diverse waters.
  6. I'd get some Oust Metol or TSI 321. I never tried the Boca oil. The other ones listed aren't that great.
  7. Dual Pro has always been good to me.
  8. Hopkin's Shorty spoon, strictly vertical, in deep water (15-40'), for smallies. I start with 3/4 oz. and move up 1 oz. If I want a faster fall. Hammered silver on most days, hammered gold on dark days or dirty water. Stroke it about 18-24" and let fall on slack line. As soon as the bait hits bottom stroke it again. You develop a rhythm. I like M/F bait cast rod, not too stout. I lose fish on a moderate action rod for whatever reason. The reel doesn't matter, though I like a faster reel to keep up with runs to the surface. For line, 12# InvisX or similar is fine. Mono or copoly would work too. Braid is no bueno - it tangles up on the drop. Good luck!
  9. @Bass Rutten get some ugly otters while you're at it. That's a great drop bait in spring and early summer. More like winter for you in fla.
  10. It's pretty much the same.
  11. Thank you @Catt that's all I'm sayin'. Reels have been expensive for at least 40 years. Rods, that's a more recent phenomenon.
  12. You might be able to feel a bass fart on a super high end stick but if it bites, you won't be able to reel it in with crap. A decent reel costs more than a very sensitive rod.
  13. The reels I use are more expensive than the rods. Ideally, you em want to use both.
  14. I've been thinking my next dog would be a Mal. They can't be too far off a GSD in terms of PITA factor? Or are they? @casts_by_fly thanks for the background on the breed. Don't know a bunch about hunting dogs but I've been around enough Weimies to know what they're like. Sounds like an awesome companion for what you do.
  15. Are those GSDs or Malinois? Alice is beautiful! Congrats!
  16. Ed Shearon Harris? Good band name
  17. Even though I would guess @Catt and I are on opposite sides of the fence, so to speak, this is one where we probably meet right in the middle. Management...I'll shut up now.
  18. Man, you gotta ignore all the ramp stuff. It's a bunch of junk that should be completely ignored. Perfectly nice people turn into turds at the ramp before and after a tournament. Be your best self, and take all of it with a grain of salt. There's a ton of subterfuge coming from some competitors that seems baffling to me, considering the energy they put into it. Dumb things like hiding what they have tied on or putting "dummy baits" out for everyone to see to outright lying about where they were or what they threw. It's silly. There's no secrets in bass fishing, so you aren't going to learn anything new. Don't get me wrong, there are some genuinely good dudes out there. Until you know who they are, just stick to your guns and what you do best.
  19. There was a really good story on NPR that was an interview from the perpetrator's point of view. He committed a non violent, misdemeanor crime (indecent exposure) and served his time. It details his regret, the damage that media caused to his family, and how he felt about his victims. It took place in Columbus Ohio. It was interesting, and he clearly had a mental break, and was a victim himself, acting out in a cycle of abuse. It might help you to search it out, come to your own conclusion, and give yourself closure on what ever you're feeling now. I don't believe that once a scumbag, always a scumbag. But, there has to be a real effort to own up, pay reparations, serve your sentence, and offer amends to your victims. Maybe I'm talking out my rear end, but it was eye opening for me.
  20. I treat tournaments the same as rec fishing. Just have fun, and stay focused on what is happening with the fish around you. Don't worry about the rest of the pack - do what you do best and enjoy. It works out more often that not. Definitely don't count on winning or cashing a check. Have fun, enjoy the fellowship, and accept the results of competition.
  21. I love all the griping about mod edits on posts, and then this. Be a man, and have a reasonable discussion about a stated opinion. I'd think more of anyone that was willing to do that than cover up their tracks. I respect opposing points of view, and I just want to understand.
  22. Why not? Here's a chance for many a keyboard warrior to put their money where their mouth is. What does this have to do with damage to a fishery? Seems like pot stirring and anti-tournament rhetoric to me.
  23. At least the new money will all be in the same direction. Mixed up bills drives me nuts.
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