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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. And we're done here. Seems impossible for folks not to make political comments.
  2. Finding out what the majority wants isn't always the goal of a survey.
  3. The interesting part of kayak fishing - if your gear is heavy enough - is you can lock down on most fish, and the kayak becomes the drag. But if they dig straight down, you have no choice but to let them.
  4. While it leads in the poll now, there's a big 6-8 M constituency.
  5. Karl's and Siebert Outdoors carries them and sponsor this sight, keeping it free to you. Maybe support them instead.
  6. Meh, I'd still go fishing. You probably would too. Don't lie.
  7. When I see the damsels/dragon flies, I use a Ragetail Space Monkey rigged weedless with no weight.
  8. Back in the day, you could not get the hours. Now it's stored in the onboard computer. Ever since hours was available, people were interested.
  9. Hands down, they are crushing it with their game changing influencers. Not.
  10. I put a drop of oil on the line roller around once a month. The maintenance in the care sheet is a once or twice a year thing: http://fish.shimano.com/content/dam/shimanosnaffish/pdf/Spinning Reels maint.pdf
  11. Not with regular maintenance. There are tons of videos that detail this simple process. I value a sealed drag over anything else. An anti-rust line roller bearing is a good feature as well. Shimano has some great care sheets for reels, and common issues here: http://fish.shimano.com/content/fish/northamerica/us/en/homepage/REEL_SUPPORT_SERVICES/Reel-Maintenance.html
  12. Been serving this forum since 2010. You're welcome.
  13. I prefer a hot foot, though idling around a marina, where you'd rather be standing for better vision is a little difficult.
  14. 1. No, they're waterproof. 2. No, they're pretty durable. 3. No, my Korkers are at least five years old. They are felt with steel studs.
  15. Drive down the west side of the lake and launch at Red Jacket launch. The north end is not the greatest fishing. See what you can find on Keuka Lake. Another fine lake for SMB and LMB. There's a nice launch facility right in Penn Yan.
  16. This kid is a tool. There are hundreds of these.
  17. Great news!
  18. I use a 6-2 Avid rod for spooks. The rear grip is not much longer than a pistol grip. I had a BPS Bionic Blade from the early 90s that was 6' and had a sweet cork pistol grip with the power bump. I NEVER should have sold that rod.
  19. I did move it, just because electronics is usually referring to graphs and chart plotters. There are a good number of members that have them, and others with the Minn Kota Talon product. There are pros and cons to each. Our site owner has Power Poles, so I bet @Glenn would have some great feedback. I know he loves them. The thing I noticed was a buddy launching solo. He dipped his boat in, hit the remote fob, and the boat was anchored right next to the dock, waiting for him when he got back from parking the truck.
  20. Just following along on FB is exhausting!
  21. Nice job, dad!
  22. I just hate wasting them.
  23. This is very true! You'd be way better off scanning and collecting way points while fishing. Drop them for every fish and every interesting piece of cover, and any structural elements not shown on the map. After several trips, you may be able to discern a fish location pattern. Hidden structures such a long, minor depression off shore from a creek inlet can often become highways clogged with bass, many of which may be biting.
  24. I can confirm that my son's social studies focus is 9/11 right now. We had to grant permission for him to see a graphic documentary on it. I'm pretty sure it's the same one we watched last year on PBS. He's in 7th grade, so it seems appropriate. Back when I was in high school, the fall of the Berlin Wall and end of communism and USSR were current and a primary focus. I can't speak for the rest of the country, but at least this area has a decent set of standards.
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