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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Except when you want to, and can.
  2. J Francho


    Howdy stranger!
  3. Keep it up, we're pulling for you!
  4. J Francho


    I don't think blue has lost any favor. Just about every soft plastic line has some type of blue in it.
  5. Time to read through the manual and learn about a couple features: reducing surface clutter and adjusting the sensitivity or gain.
  6. I have an $80 Assassin that is three years old and works fine.
  7. Fourscore and nine years ago, we were afraid side imaging was unfair. Almost a decade later, I agree with everything I said. I don't fish too many tournaments anymore, though.
  8. Cumberland Pro Lures Neko Weights are what you want.
  9. I'm thinking a custom build off some stand up salt blank.
  10. There's a Lew's cranking reel that David Fritts specified had a deep spool and the old style dog and bone anti reverse. Abu tried to delete the AR switch from their spinning reels, but Ike demanded they leave it.
  11. Everything I see in NY state tax laws applies to commercial or retail businesses. I am not a retail business. As an individual, items I buy from out of state, but used in NY state are subject to a use tax, not sales tax. The notion that I have to collect/pay sales tax for a garage sale is a little silly, and not enforceable in any way. Here is the use tax info for my state. It's pretty interesting what can be taxed. https://www.tax.ny.gov/pubs_and_bulls/tg_bulletins/st/use_tax_for_individuals.htm
  12. So I paid sales tax on a reel ,then whomever I sell it to has to pay sales tax again? I'm not a retailer. Makes more sense to stick to the FM here.
  13. This is what GPS is for.
  14. Are they charging tax on used items?
  15. There's a lot of truth to that. I also think it helps to stick with the same bait, instead of having 10 different square bills. They all seem to act a little different.
  16. Leatherman Wingman works for me.
  17. It was 88° yesterday. Today will end up back in the 50s.
  18. Any balsa square bill will work well. It's more about learning to finesse the crank through the cover, and knowing what the bait will do when you kill it. You want one that backs up after the pause. Most have the right angle bill for that.
  19. I think about the purpose, IPT/gear ratio, and how it palms for me. That's casting reels. For spinning I only care about drag, weight, and IPT. I prefer a fast reel since I fish deep clear water for smallies.
  20. 10# Tatsu on my medium cranking rods. 12# Tatsu on my MH cranking rods.
  21. Or you can go to the MLF website and get accurate results. Since leaving BASS and joining the Bass Pro Tour, he's won zero events, and racked up $24,000 in earnings. https://majorleaguefishing.com/standing/2019-bass-pro-tour/
  22. He hasn't won any. He's earned $24k in MLF.
  23. Does the number if caught fish change? I mean, is the number of catchable fish go up on weekdays or is it the same, just that less anglers catch as many total as on the weekends.
  24. That's a monster!
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