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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Pflueger, Abu, and to some extent Lew's all share underpinnings. All but Lew's are part of Pure Fishing: http://www.purefishing.com/our-brands/. By price point, compared to similar reels, they are good reels. To me they are like Buick is to Chevy. A little fancier styling, but the same function.
  2. Sometimes referred to as "cracked glass." Pretty common finish for drums: https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/s--zWJmyxV2--/a_exif,c_limit,e_unsharp_mask:80,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_south,h_620,q_90,w_620/v1448064883/ytqebb6esux7rwwwfodo.jpg Not if applied by a professional. I have had repairs done to gel coat that had metal flake finish that were as smooth as butter. For reference, these are my drums, and the finish is lacquer. There people that know how to do this and it not look like orange peel: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11074131_10205849077959282_591075083951953633_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=d01jiB7BHGMAQl5qPNcReVCUKmjDMxHPIQeT02yTH-qBcb0M9qFMgakwQ&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=ecc78ef5b98e4b6ed0943639efae01f2&oe=5E8AB8B1
  3. You seem to have a lot of concern about how others spend their money. It makes me wonder.
  4. Awe man, I have no words. Stay strong, Tom. If you can't do that, lean on us.
  5. Someone probably dumped it in the lake after it outgrew their aquarium. They are VERY common in the pet industry.
  6. I like it. Looks awesome!
  7. Hoping the treatment works and a fast recovery!
  8. Yet. Heavy line, bubba shot might work like that. Personally, I prefer a jig most times in the slop.
  9. Here's a different take on DS. The anchor concept applies here as well. https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot-bedding-bass.html
  10. On a light jig, the tube will spiral on descent. We actually want that to happen. It's not as much of a problem with heavier weights, like a 3/4 oz. Big Dude head. We're usually just dragging them on bottom.
  11. Vanish...it's what happens to your fish when you use it.
  12. 6# Invisx or Tatsu, 6.2 Finesse, treat with KVD L&L after every trip. I use Bullet Weights when I have to buy them, but usually use hand poured from a buddy. He makes 5/8, 3/4 and 1 oz. I like to go heavy. The weight is an anchor.
  13. I have a ton of jerkbaits. I love buying the darn things. What do I throw when I'm out in early or late cold water? A JDM Flash Minnow in MS Am. Shad. The thing just works.
  14. J Francho


    Drop shot, jigging spoon, deep crank bait, blade bait, lipless crankbait, spinnerbait, chatterbait, Texas Rig, Carolina rig, swim bait, wacky jig, neko rig can all be fished at those depths. The best is what gets them chewing that day.
  15. It takes one Palomar knot on the hook when I rig it. Sounds like you over complicating things. Learn from the master here: http://www.richz.com/fishing/articles/dropshot.html
  16. This is definitely a northern thing. Using a small swivel with light line and a light tube jig, around 18" up from the bait really allows the tube to helicopter randomly on it's descent. It's a totally different presentation than dragging a tube on the bottom.
  17. Slabbing is jigging spoons for walleye.
  18. Fluorocarbon is much more resistant to environmental degradation than mono or even copolymer lines. A few of the years during my testing the rods were in the boat all year. In some cases, they remained on the front deck for days at a time.
  19. 12v 7ah sealed battery from Radio Shack. I use a Schumacher smart charger.
  20. I have a 5 and a 7. I don't think the 7 is too big, but I generally take the 5 out, since it's plenty for what I need. If you do anything that is more than two screens, like SI/GPS or DI/SI, at once, you'll want the 7. Mine is installed to the side on my Hobie Compass.
  21. I remember when this initially broke. Good to hear they apprehended this lunatic!
  22. I had a 21XDC w/ 2.5 Merc racing engine, Sporty LU and a Trophy II 27 prop. Fastest I got was 84 mph. You definitely had to drive the boat, unlike my Xpress that basically drove itself. The front deck on that Bullet was HUGE. There's plenty of these boats on the market, the hulls last forever. If you want to truly go fast, a 20' comp hull is super light, and less than 1000 lbs. Mine was 1280, I think. I've been in a few Gamblers, and while they're fast, they aren't Bullet/Allison/Stroker fast. Super exotic interiors, and slick styling, though.
  23. I've had 6# Invisx on a reel for 5 years, and 6# Tatsu on a reel for 4. I only changed them out because the line was getting a little low on the spool.
  24. I throw those baits with an Avid AVC62MXF. Add in topwaters as well for that rod. It has an ultra fast recovery after the twitch that I prefer, and a slightly shorter rear grip than the 6'6" model. I find it perfect from all vessels. It's also nice for short cast sniper spinnerbaiting.
  25. Do you have an auto bilge pump?
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