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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Like watching paint dry, while being glued to your spouse's favorite cooking show.
  2. Well, there's that, but we don't discriminate.
  3. I actually love fishing a Carolina rig...
  4. Another vote for @RichZ Also, no love for @Glenn for Washington?
  5. What does "correct water temp" even mean? It's just a parameter; an observation. You may be able to assume some things about activity, but really it just is.
  6. 5 I wish I understood he words, but oh well....
  7. This reminds me of conversations about skateboard sizes. People go on and on about the difference between an 8.0 width deck and an 8.125, lol. I skate an 8.25, 8.125, and a 9. I can pretty much do all the things I can do on all of them, as long as I have wheels on the ground (or most of the time, anyway). Really the more important stat is wheelbase. It's like that with rods - it's all about the bend. I'd buy that AVC70MM off the shelf, and be done with it. Mine is probably more than a decade old now, still catches, and works for so many things that are cranky.
  8. Jump up on the Sure Life site and get educated about their products and methods. I've been using Catch & Release for almost two decades, with great success. http://sure-life.com/pro_CATCH_AND_RELEASE.html
  9. A three hour tour....
  10. I don't have that particular model, but I have a few TCS rods, and they are some of my favorite sticks, considering their value priced.
  11. I like to go steelhead fishing in the ditches on X_mas morning, if I don't have the kids. This year, I do, so no fishing for me.
  12. We had some ice, not safe to walk on. It'll be gone by X_mas. gonna be in the 50s.
  13. Thankfully, no one was hurt, aside from the hit to the ego in being able to drive. Don't sweat that. Listen to the docs, make sure they listen to you. Ask questions. You will figure it out, and get well. We're all pulling for you!
  14. Megastrike.
  15. I remember my first 6' pistol grip rod. It seemed giant.
  16. 1994 called, it wants it short rods back
  17. Don't cut it off the tip. Just deal with the 6". It's an AWESOME rod.
  18. No, there's a production model, or you can get the blank: https://stcroixrods.com/collections/freshwater/products/avid-series-casting
  19. Just get a SC Avid 7' medium/moderate and be done.
  20. That's what steelhead are for
  21. Pickwick would probably be my primary destination, but I like fishing for smallies. Good luck, and keep us updated.
  22. After the initial drop, I mean test, yes I did some experimentation. The lightest reels I had at the time were 8.8 oz.
  23. All of my Saint Croix Avids will float with an 8.8 oz. reel or less.
  24. V - Vibe Blade Bait
  25. Usually a medium to medium fast speed reel. 6 or 7 to 1.
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