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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Can't imagine this happening. That would mean Zebco, Quantum, VanStall, Fin-nor, and Badlands hunting closing shop. All seem pretty healthy to me.
  2. Probably not worth it keeping it, even for a lawnmower. or snowblower I bet a service station could dispose of it for you. I mean, it's not that much right, maybe $40 worth?
  3. Influencer.....it's so 2019 to call yourself that.
  4. It doesn't work that way. Lemurs and humans diverge at the suborder level. We are not 3rd cousins. Using genetic terms in this way is psuedo science, and also sensationalism. At the point where lemurs and humans share a common ancestor is not "three steps" away. Third cousins share a great great grandparent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primate
  5. So, they're both bony, ray finned perch, which describes 41% of all fishes, lol. ORDER is a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG way up the taxonomic classification tree. Cousins are generally referred to two species of the same family. Saying the two are cousins is like saying that butterfly fishes, barracuda, and the lowly common carp are cousins our black basses. It's also like saying we're cousins to lemurs.
  6. I wouldn't call them cousins at all. They are not even closely related to Centrarchids (sunfish). There are big fish that bite lures and tug lines in every corner of the globe. You could spend a lifetime searching the internet finding interesting catches. That Wade refers to them as "40 lb. black bass" is sensationalism in an American market.
  7. In hind sight, we should have seen this coming....
  8. I drank the kistler koolaide a decade ago and bought a pile of rods. All of them eventually broke. I don't feel it was totally my fault either, since all my Saint Croix are still intact. A couple are nearly 20 years old.
  9. Those are the same specs I prefer for a spinnerbait rod, so in short, yes it will work for bigger hooks. It's wrestling them from cover where you might have trouble.
  10. You can get the plug and receptacle for less than $40 at most places that sell TMs and TM accessories.
  11. COunt me in for J-Will heads as well.
  12. Pickup truck. All I carry are coffee stains and dog drool. There's also an old tube TV in the bad I keep meaning to recycle. At this point, it's just weight for winter traction.
  13. I will continue my road to recovery through the pain and wreckage fishing a Carolina rig causes.
  14. Most Strike King jigs are $3-5. I buy hand made in the USA jigs from Siebert Outdoors. You should, too. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/ My favorite are Dredge Brush jigs with wire tied skirts. They're $3.90 a piece. None have ever failed.
  15. It's from the sulfates in the wine.
  16. Electronics should be run off you cranker, not the deep cycles for your TM. You might consider a hybrid cranker or a separate battery altogether for electronics. But not your deep cycles for the TM, which is what most probably assumed you were asking about.
  17. my Optimas were five years old when I sold the boat. Still kicking, as far as I know.
  18. That would depend on locale. There are no 9# fish in my waters. There are 5# fish. They aren't easy, but one shows up almost every tournament as the lunker. Sometimes it's a 6# or even an 7#. I've even seen a 8-5. Rare. You could scale a curve based on the largest and smallest keeper caught. All of this is just basic statistics. If you really want to measure the "largest" fish or catch, then we should be using displacement, lol.
  19. That's way too big a gap between a 3# fish and a 5# fish. I don't feel like it should take three 3# to overtake a single 5# fish. You need a curve in there. I like the idea, though.
  20. Hydro Turf, Sea Deck, and Sea Mat are three well known brands of deck padding. I have Sea Mat in my kayak and love it. Way better than carpet!
  21. Anything with an aluminum frame and a strong drag will work fine. I like anything medium to high speed for frogs.
  22. Not sure your math works there. If a 1# is worth 1 point, and a fish five times as big is worth 25 times as much, then a 9# fish should be worth much, much more. Exponents and mathy stuff aside, not a terrible idea, if yu can get the math right.
  23. These aren't the only two formats out there for competitive fishing. I'm including any level. Time and time again, it's a few of the same few that are always at the top, whether it be BPT, BASS, FLW, KBF, or even local team format opens. You always see the same names at the top. This tells me that the better anglers are able to adapt and conform to the format, and be successful. It's up to the organizers to decide what they're selling, and who's buying, and see what shakes out. You can watch a much faster tournament evolution play out if you follow kayak fishing tournaments for the past decade. BASS/BPT/FLW are too big to make sweeping changes. Small adjustments, and see what happens. Bottom line, you don't see bass nailed to a "leader board" anymore, and that's a good thing.
  24. There's plenty of reasons, beyond getting bites, to use leaders, but that's for another thread. I prefer not to use them, if possible, but I can tell you many of the arguments against using them due to extra knots or weakening line causing break offs are bunk. My salmon and steelhead terminal rig has no less than FIVE knots. Break offs generally occur in the line itself, or caused by user error, not letting the fish take line when needed. Two more confessions: I rarely, if ever wet my line with saliva anymore. With the lines I use, it seems unnecessary. I used a poop jig this past season. I did catch fish. Mostly yellow perch and dink bass, but it worked, and was fun on a light spinning rig.
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