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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Similar experience, but it took longer. Probably 20 years of throwing baits, with plenty of 5# class fish. Then, boom! A 7-2, from an unlikely body of water, in an unlikely location, on an unlikely cast and retrieve.
  2. You already opened a topic for this. Please refer to that.
  3. Weed guard is a misnomer. It only serves as hang up prevention. It does nothing for weeds, but in your case, this is n't an issue. If I were you, I'd just buy jigs with no weed guard, since it doesn't present a problem. That said, I would have no clue what position the jig is in their mouth, but if I set the hook when I think I detect a bite (and it's actually a bite) I don't miss too many fish, so it must not be an issue for me.
  4. There's a multitude of rigs that work: on an open football jig, stand up jig, DS, split shot rig, but the rig I use the most is with a nail weight in the tail, on a wacky rig hook, similar to how you'd hook a live craw, through the tail.
  5. There's 8 in a bag. Are you saying you got 25 fish per bait? I use these pretty heavily as well, but I don't that kind of life out of them.
  6. What you say about naturalization is true, but they are still invasive. Same goes for round gobies, Eurasian milfoil, curly leaf pond weed, alewife, zebra/quagga mussels, and a host of other non endemic plants and animals. We're lucky in that for the short term, some invasives have actually improved the fishery. In some ways Giant hogweed hasn't been the scourge as was predicted, but it still isn't what you want to run into on a hike. Same goes for carp most days. That some of us (as anglers) have adapted and decided to fish for them is more about making the best out of the situation - much like the snakeheads down south. Turns out fishzilla isn't ruining the bass populations as was once feared. Interesting to note that salmon (king, coho) and trout (brown, rainbow/steelhead) are non endemic and intentionally introduced to control invasive alewife populations in the Great Lakes. In the overall fisheries picture from a management perspective, bureaucracies place greater value on these salmonoid species than our native bass. This probably is due to the economic influence trout fishing has over bass and panfish.
  7. Rub the branding off with a Magic Eraser and you'll never know the difference. They're very similar, solid workhorse reels. For me, it would be down to what gear ratio was available, and how the knobs felt.
  8. They do, it's called a Super Fluke.
  9. Look up reversing the head on that, and mount it to the bow for a hand controlled troller.
  10. Devil's advocate here, how many $.90 rigs did it take to get you your PB? Don't get me wrong, my personal best is from a T-rig worm as well. I bet I spent well over $200 in worms to get it, though.
  11. Nah, I like carp. I've done a little Euro style carp fishing with boilies on Lake Ontario, and they're fun. They fight like a freight train. What I don't like about them is when they make all the commotion in the shallows during spawn.
  12. You could say the same for replying to threads that make you feel special.
  13. 5 fish limits stem from regulations. Most places, an angler can only keep 5 per day.
  14. I was thinking of a cut, like who's first to a certain weight. Similar to what you're saying, but more like auto racing, weight instead of laps. Maybe that would reward luck?
  15. That's an interesting idea. Can you elaborate on it? What about northern lakes, like say Erie, where a 100 fish day is within the realm of possibility.
  16. This has been my experience on several local lakes that have large populations of Esox. Nothing worse than seeing a huge musky swipe at your $17 Pointer! Slowing down, going subtle is a key.
  17. Water separator is usually an aftermarket option. I had one on my Xpress. I changed the filter every year. I think it was around $40-.
  18. See any pros on the Shimano site?
  19. This was always my move for tournaments as well. Usually the electric sites were only $20-25/night. I'd also get an "Empire Pass" which gave me free ramp and discounted campsite access for any NYS park for around $100. Paid for itself by July.
  20. I've said this before, I have a $25 Popmax that has caught more fish than ANY OTHER BAITS, COMBINED. That one topwater owes me nothing. Buy good, proven baits. Plastics can get pricey, quick. It's why I used mostly hard baits when I was young. One $5 crank could catch me 100 fish. A $5 bag of plastics might catch 5-10 fish and last me a couple hours.
  21. Call them, and ask.
  22. Kids from the '70s used to watching cartoons at that time
  23. DVT doesn't care about all that. He can probably fix it for much less than a new reel. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/
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