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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Your state's DNR should have this information.
  2. We had chickens, ducks, pygmy goats, pigs, and horses growing up. Farm animals are great, but honest, hard work. The chickens were funny to watch, but the ducks were the most comical. They'd follow us around as we worked or played.
  3. The Knicks and the Red Sox both need Mahomes too, lol.
  4. I use this: https://www.frabill.com/shop/nets/by-series/trophy/bearclaw
  5. The rep at the show was ready to draw up the loan papers right there on the spot, lol.
  6. Good feedback! My tow vehicle is plenty - GMC Sierra 1/2 ton with 6.2L and full tow package. Boat and trailer come in around 6K lbs. I'd prefer a 3/4 ton, but that's for later. Lakes around here are less than an hour drive. Gas mileage, I'm coming from a boat that burned over 35 gph at WOT. This boat was rated much less, and cruising, gets 11 mpg @ 3500 rpm, with the 350 Verado. I'm cool with that. I generally fish deep, but I hear what your saying about navigating. When I went from an 18' Xpress to the 22' Bullet, it was a big change. idling around marinas was a big adjustment. I don't think I'm crossing the Atlantic, lol. This hull is closer to a bass boat than an off shore boat. But I won't have any reservations going out in Ontario or Erie, weather permitting. Thanks!
  7. I was running behind and couldn't get there. Have to go back out - dang CVS - so maybe tonight.
  8. I would be less than 10 miles off shore in Great Lakes. More like one or two. I don’t need an off shore rig. Thanks for your input.
  9. I'll try to be nice, since the Makos were just around the corner from the Whalers, so the difference was noticeable. Quality is not there. The fiberglass is unfinished on the inside, hardware is not as heavy duty, and overall the boats lack refinement. I like the boats for fishing, but I need something more substantial. A Mako is like a Kia. I'm looking at Mercedes at this point. Do I? No. Do we? Yes. Multi species boats typically do not have the center console layout or seating I'm looking for. I mentioned Lund being on my list already. Ranger is not on my list. I have researched the Skeeter SX240 Bay Boat, but there aren't any dealers close by, and it lacks some of the safety features and luxuries offered in the BW. Warriors all look like they are 30"+ transom height, which I infer means they will not draft that shallow, and might not work for what I want. Some of you guys are missing the point. While I'm not opposed to looking at different brands, I'm gonna need a compelling argument to for them. I'm mostly talking about THIS boat. What could you or couldn't you do with it? Am I missing something? I don't think I am. Think of it as a Pros/Cons list.
  10. Depends. Could be early May, to early June. Depends on the weather.
  11. Aside from dropping way points for almost all fish caught, not anymore. I get what I need from those way points.
  12. This could be a whole forum unto itself. The short answer: I've caught black crappie in just about every lake or pond I've fished in NY state. Pre-spawn is a good time to find them shallow. During bass spawn, they are well known nest raiders. Tiny jigs, crappie minnows (fatheads), and tiny cranks do well.
  13. I'll be out there this evening, might stop in to see what is what.
  14. Yes, I have a a Hobie, two Wildies, and a Jackson. My Hobie is around my tenth kayak. For boats, I previously owned a 15' and 17' Sea Nymph tiller deep-v, 20' Four Winns runabout, 18' Xpress, and most recently a 22' Bullet. If I need agility, I'll just use the kayak. The back deck is probably big enough to strap the Compass on and mother ship. Thanks for everyone's feedback - keep it coming! The Dauntless can be easily rigged with a TM. With your boat, which sounds similar to the 13' Whaler from my youth, I'd just figure out a transom mount TM for it, or one of the long shaft electric steer models.
  15. I just looked at the Robalo site. They look nice, just not as refined as the BW. I’d have to see one in person to get a better feel for them. From what I saw from other makes, the fit and finish, quality of upholstery and hardware on the BW was better than most. I even looked at a very pricey Scarab that didn’t come close. It also didn’t run as shallow. Had pretty gel coat though. @Catt Champion was a popular brand up here, in all styles. Still see lots of them. When I was a kid, I looked at them as better than Ranger.
  16. That GW is pretty similar to the Dauntless in almost every respect. It’s not as sleek a fishing platform at the stern, but that’s not my problem. If there was a dealer nearby, I might consider it. I looked at 19’ Robalo bay boats a decade ago. Fit and finish was suspect, and I could see warping in the hull on brand new boats. Maybe it’s better nowadays. They do have a dealer close to where I launch frequently.
  17. I’ve been in a few Whalers, but they were smaller, older models. One I remember pretty well was only 13’ long and had wooden bench seats. That was on Nantucket. We’d take it out for blues. Dang toothy things were fun. That boat handled water that would have sunk my tiller back home. They had a modern version of that boat at the show, which is what initially drew me to the display.
  18. I may have soiled myself a little when she started talking actual numbers with the salesman. Good thing it has a working toilet.
  19. 24" is narrow? I'm not a big guy, but there's WAYYYYYY more room to move around than even my 22' bass boat. I spent over an hour climbing around this boat, and never felt cramped. Well, except in the bathroom - that was a little tight. This is their inshore model. Not truly intended for crazy big water, but capable enough for ocean runs in favorable conditions. Think of it as a gigantic bass boat. Can run rough, but drafts only 14" of water.
  20. Looking at something different for fishing. I'm never giving up bass fishing, but I spend many hours on the Great Lakes, Oneida, Cayuga, and other "bigger" waters. I'd like a more capable boat than just a bass boat. Before you point me to a Pro-V Bass, it's also on my radar. My list of boats is actually very short. This boat, until recently was but a blip on the radar, but is suddenly right up there. I'd like to add in the ability to troll for trout and salmon, and go on a few long distance runs, like from my home bay on Ontario, to friends' cottages on other bays, via the "big lake." I have my own list of pros and cons, but I'd like to hear what the rest of the BR members think, especially those the fish on big water. Keep in mind, I'm also entertaining a growing family. Yes, you heard it here first, boy number four will be here in July. Without further ado, here is the boat up for consideration. Boston Whaler Dauntless 240 Sport. Yes, I'm aware of the price tag. I'm not wealthy by any means, but I could afford this boat. I would be getting shallow water anchors, a properly sized TM, electronics up front, and maxing out HP. I have a dealer that has outfitted a few of these for specific fishing needs. To me, this is the ultimate "fish 'n ski" lol. What do you think? https://www.bostonwhaler.com/family-overview/dauntless-boat-models/240-dauntless-pro/
  21. Myth alert: I've given up on lubricating knots, instead just slowly cinching them tight. The knots I use are improved clinch, uni, and Palomar. I can't say that it's to a point of being good advice, just that it hasn't mattered for knot strength. I don't think the issue is line burn. I think some knots need lube to be stronger, and some don't. Something to think about when tying.
  22. No. A properly tied Palomar is stronger than most knots. 6# line, almost 6# smallmouth. Palomar knot.
  23. If anything, there was an explosion of weird designs ten or fifteen years ago. It's kind of settled back into quality designs with proven blade shapes and configurations. I use three or four head styles, depending on cover and retrieve. Everything I need for spinnerbaits is out there still. When I'm lost on the water, this is a comfortable, go to bait to get bites that lead to unlocking the puzzle for the day.
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