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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. I think this is the one:
  3. Who here do you think is offended? Seems like you are projecting. Take a spin around the "latest catch" thread, and see all the slobs posted that released. Maybe that will help you feel better. It's not that we don't support your efforts to be a good steward, and be cautious with all your catches, not just the trophies, but you are preaching to the choir. Pretty much everyone here respects the environment and the fish we angle for.
  4. I'm most concerned with what people living on shore and on watershed land use on their lawns.
  5. I want my 6' pistol grip back. That rod was cool, like a 7', but with a short handle.
  6. I didn't, it's a conversation forum. Opinions are posted, and debated all the time. Why post, if you are unwilling to pursue an open discussion? All I'm saying, try to change the law based on a sixer from a pond, and see how that turns out. I've been involved with change - it takes years, and data. Tons of data. Add in tons of support. It took thousands of anglers in NY to change bass fishing regulations in order to get a catch and release season from December through June. Even then, there is one region that is a hold out. You aren't going to get much traction on a forum made up of anglers that practice and teach responsible harvest, catch & release, and promotes livewell fish care in tournaments to new and experience alike. So, tell us what the real problem is, and maybe we can help. Emotion doesn't bring policy change, data does. By the way, Crisco Bay is surrounded by Frying Pan, just over Flame. It's an expression for catch and eat. Maybe my response makes more sense to you, knowing that. I don't even have a picture of mine.
  7. YESSSS!
  8. You talk like everyone is out skin mounting 5# bass. They aren't. For every fish skin mounted, how many more were released into Crisco bay? Never mind that, how many are caught illegally for resale at fish markets? I think you're picking the wrong fight. If I catch five 5 lb. bass in a day, I can keep them and eat them, mount them, feed them to my dogs, or fertilize my garden with them, legally. I'm not, though. The reality is, the people that catch these larger fish up here with any type of regularity are typically catch and release anyway. The fluke catch by a casual angler that gets mounted is a drop in the bucket, and not a problem. You could easily prove this to yourself by conducting your own informal survey. Ask all the local taxidermists how many skin mount bass they deliver to customers per year, and what sizes they were. Report back to us.
  9. Not all the structure is on the map. Where have I heard that? Seriously folks, listen to Catt. Check out the Toledo Bend thread if you want a serious study.
  10. Yeah, yeah.... It can be hard to "fish the structure" below the slop. I look at the structure around the new slop areas for clues. Then, I fish it. @Catt is making an important point, but without years of fishing those flats, it looks like a big mystery. One more tip, count that jig or punch rig down. A one half second difference can be a big clue. I know, I've found little ditches that are pathways under the canopy. It's a lot more open underneath many times, than you think.
  11. If the flat is that big, look at what is close by. Do some map study. Where are he fish before the slop sets up? Where do they spawn. Where's the deep water close by? From that, you can slice up that flat into areas you want to dissect.
  12. 6-8 to 7-3 is the new 6-8 to 7-3. Back in 90s, we had 6, 6-6, 7, and 7-6. For those times one didn't quite fit, we now have choices of all sorts of sizes. Not sure what "7 is best means." Use what works for you. If I was limited to one size, I'd go 6-8, and then eventually quit fishing.
  13. Yes, you should expand where ever you think you should punch. Seriously, find a flat with some slop, and start picking it apart. The more you do it, the better you'll get. No one can make generalities about where exactly to punch, because the pattern is different each day. Add in the slight variations - and I mean slight, like inches - that could constitute ambush points, and it can get more complex. Consider all things when you get bit. Things like sin angle, and the shadow you're bait makes; where you in a hole, or straight through the slop; was there a variation, or edge of some sort, like a plant species change, or ledge; even water coloration can play into it, like when there's a algae slick in late summer. You basically go in and attack the slop, and decompose the pattern as you catch.
  14. Yes, and the other places as well.
  15. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=tsi+321 The original manufacturer links to the site listed above: https://detectorbuy.com/tsi-321-01 For Shimano, just call 1-877-577-0600
  16. Do you bring all nine every time out?
  17. Pretty sure my shaky, diabetic hands can tie a knot as fast as I can fumble with a snap. Don't get me wrong - I use duo-loc snaps on my crankbaits, but that's more about my dislike for split rings than convenience.
  18. Fish finder envy has no bounds! I want four screens up front, and a heads up display at the helm, and a mind controlled TM, and a puppy.
  19. Anything with mono, really. But you have to remember we used mono for everything for at least 20+ years (in my days, at least). It was without issue back then - I really don't remember whiffing on too many. Maybe braid has made us all soft?
  20. Same. Although, I wonder if the fish are missing just as bad as me. About half the time, I catch them with a follow up bait.
  21. I've been all over the east coast from Maine to Florida. I've seen many types of lakes, many have similarities, but none of those were what I'd consider a north/south thing. The main difference in bass is size to some extant. In the case of Florida Strain, they are a bit different than northern strain. Oh, and many of those lakes down south, with the exception of the hydrilla choked waters, don't hold a candle to some of he slop just five minutes from my house.
  22. It's rare someone just qualifies, and jumps in at the highest level. There's a long road, and many partnerships (read: sponsors, bank loans, personal cash, etc.) along the way.
  23. Three years ago....answer is still the same: tie direct.
  24. In both cases, I buy direct.
  25. I have a several Finger Lakes and two Great Lakes within 90 mins drive or less. There are several sheltered bays on the south shore of Ontario, one is five minutes from my house. They all fish like their own smaller lakes separate from the big lake. If weather permits, we run out to the big lake. I doubt I’d even be more than 10 miles out from my launch bay, and that would be fairly close to shore, maybe a mile out. There aren’t reefs on Ontario, just lots of deep water. I’ve been caught in the big lake and had to weather out a storm on a neighboring bay. That’s a really worst case scenario. Really, I need the space And convenience this setup offers, but the same things I get in a dedicated bass fishing boat. That it could be outfitted for trolling for walleye or trout is a bonus. Tow water sports is a given as well. I’ve looked at CC styles seriously for 20 years. Much of my fishing. Is vertical, deep for smallies, and I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to wrestle the rod over a side console to get to the side the fish wanted to be landed on. Another thing, I’d like my queen to be able to pilot the boat, and I know for a fact driving a performance bass boat is daunting. This set up is much more like the pontoon she has piloted in the past, both with CC. I guess my questions are still, what am I missing? Yeah, I know it’s big, I’m probably not going to work socks and marinas like I could with an 18’ bass boat, but I have kayaks for that. I bet I could figure some sort of mother ship rig in a boat this big. There’s also the cost, and don’t think for a second I’m not concerned. It’s a big purchase, and I’m not quite 50, so this may be my last boat - it’s gotta be a boat I really like. I like it more and more as I think about it.
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