I have a several Finger Lakes and two Great Lakes within 90 mins drive or less. There are several sheltered bays on the south shore of Ontario, one is five minutes from my house. They all fish like their own smaller lakes separate from the big lake. If weather permits, we run out to the big lake. I doubt I’d even be more than 10 miles out from my launch bay, and that would be fairly close to shore, maybe a mile out. There aren’t reefs on Ontario, just lots of deep water. I’ve been caught in the big lake and had to weather out a storm on a neighboring bay. That’s a really worst case scenario. Really, I need the space And convenience this setup offers, but the same things I get in a dedicated bass fishing boat. That it could be outfitted for trolling for walleye or trout is a bonus. Tow water sports is a given as well. I’ve looked at CC styles seriously for 20 years. Much of my fishing. Is vertical, deep for smallies, and I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to wrestle the rod over a side console to get to the side the fish wanted to be landed on.
Another thing, I’d like my queen to be able to pilot the boat, and I know for a fact driving a performance bass boat is daunting. This set up is much more like the pontoon she has piloted in the past, both with CC.
I guess my questions are still, what am I missing? Yeah, I know it’s big, I’m probably not going to work socks and marinas like I could with an 18’ bass boat, but I have kayaks for that. I bet I could figure some sort of mother ship rig in a boat this big.
There’s also the cost, and don’t think for a second I’m not concerned. It’s a big purchase, and I’m not quite 50, so this may be my last boat - it’s gotta be a boat I really like. I like it more and more as I think about it.