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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. The Rapidfire is a pack canoe. The hull on the Native Ultimate or Wildy Commander are very different (it's a kayak) than any pack canoe I've been in. Two different classes of craft, each with their own pros and cons.
  2. I only use two colors of senkos, so I might have 30 bags of them. Seriously. When I had my boat, I pretty much carried everything that I was currently using. I'm not one to have all the colors of a specific crank, more like one - MS Am. Shad, lol - so I might have six or more of a specific bait. It comes down to your fishing style and the baits you *sometimes* use, opposed to the baits you *never* use. Otherwise, I can't see you suffering because you are "weighed down by baits."
  3. Not sure about "using bait as structure" as much as I'd call it following schooling bait, like a pelagic trout, but I'd be looking at the structure below the bait, or near it, and fish the bottom. Your other recourse is to throw an umbrella rig, instead of trying to drop baits to them. They are predators, and not looking to eat the school, but find the wayward, disoriented, or sick bait. That school an umbrella rig represents mimics this quite well, and this is why it works in that situation.
  4. There's actually some truth to that.
  5. Haven't seen that advice very often, or at all. Imagine, you're running 50# braid (12# mono equiv) and want to use a heavy leader because your fishing around docks. I would not want to be limited to just 12# leader, and in fact might use 25-40# leader. That's a heavy line application, here's a lighter line application. I like to stick to straight 6# fluoro for most of my open water finesse, but I'll go to braid/leader if I'm fishing cover. I'll use 15# braid on a spinning rig, and anywhere from 8 to 20# leader, depending on conditions. In both cases, the leader is much bigger than the main line. Again, I can't think of any time the leader is smaller than the main line when using braid. I can when I'm trout fishing, but the main line is usually mono, and I'm stepping down in line diameter.
  6. @Brad Reid that's a really nice hull you got! I think you'll be fine without the rudder. The double tunnel style hull tracks well, and is similar to my Commander. You'll just have to dust off your paddling skills. Congrats!
  7. You guys are like 30 seconds ahead of me! Spoiler alert! COngrats JP!
  8. Sumo wrestling knockout round!
  9. Generally, the braid is smaller than the leader. I can't think of a time where the braid would be thicker than leader. At least not in my fishing experience. Never been a problem with an Alberto knot.
  10. No way man! They should use displacement!
  11. Trailer tires are usually rated L for 70 mph. That's what the Goodyear Endurance tires I ran on my full size boats were. Sorry that's L. The Es are the little guys at 45, I think. Fixed in edit!
  12. -Tim McCarver
  13. Marty Stone, every five minutes: "I don't think I recall ever seeing...." I'm beginning to think he has trouble recalling anything.
  14. The little ones are DoT rated for 45 mph.
  15. Ten years ago, I registered two here in NY. Can't be any better here, lol.
  16. That's the brand I found on Amazon.
  17. Any deep Plano box has worked for spinnerbaits for me.
  18. I swear I saw them last time I was in there. Maybe a recent change? You'd think for what they get for replacement tires, they'd be DoT compliant. Found a few on Amazon that come with a title and are DoT compliant.
  19. I have a Carolina Dog (Bailey) and a German Shepherd Dog (Coltrane). The Carolina is almost 8, but the GSD is only 5 mos. old. It's generally total mayhem at home. I wouldn't trust either in a boat with me. I tried Bailey out years ago, and she kept jumping in the water. Coltrane is just a dope, and would probably cry the whole time. Bailey's breed can be difficult to train, but once she recognized me as alpha, she is amazing. She's the best dog I've ever had. Coltrane is a stupid oaf, but is very quick to learn, and is quite pleased to work, if he isn't too distracted. I've had GSDs in the past, and he's pretty typical. They're funny in that they're both dumb and incredibly intelligent at the same time. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/83978376_10219442135537226_1078221114112475136_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_ohc=Q_AEmFXDZogAX_L1Knz&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=2d3235a3ae3d402d6901f36691a517d7&oe=5F034107
  20. The trailer kits from Harbor Freight come with a title.
  21. They calibrate to 0 before every fish. My guess is something went awry when they were zeroing out the scale. It happens. I've seen it on my own digital scales.
  22. I don't have to fake a day off. I have PTO. That's it, no sick time. PTO is a benefit I earned by showing up to work. I took an unplanned PTO to go fishing with @wnybassman several years ago. Wasn't my first or my last. Got a PB that day.
  23. I'm not sure where I was worried about the holes either?
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