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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. I have no idea who either of those are, but I prefer the head unit on the starboard side, close enough to hit the buttons when seated, and the TD on an arm, close by as well, so I don't have to struggle to pull it/deploy it. I put the battery wherever it fits, and where the cord won't get in the way.
  2. I think it means, "dumb Americans will pay $2 each for tungsten paneling nails."
  3. The only trailer I always use is a trailer hook.
  4. Erie is relatively shallow, and you don't have a lot of time to react when the wind kicks things up. On Ontario, you have a better than an hour or so to react, usually. Erie, 20 minutes tops. If I see any white on the surface of a wave, whether it's 2 inches or 2 feet, I'm out.
  5. Seaguar: Tatsu, Finesse, Invisx, and Blue Label leader.
  6. How would an inventory catch more fish? I mean, it might be something you do, because you like to keep track of stuff, but what's the real benefit?
  7. I have a $25 Popmax that has caught well over 500 bass. I've replaced the hooks a couple times, and it has bad hook rash, but has been catching for three years. Hands down, my most productive bait.
  8. Large spool spinning reels are faster than most fast baitcasters. Anyway, sounds like braid and a leader would probably be the best solution for the OP. I'm sure there's an excuse for why that won't work either, though. I throw flukes on a 20# braid with a 10# leader on a stiffer than usual spinning rod and 2500 class reel that takes up 35 IPT. Works fine for my bass up here, though they're half as big.
  9. No, that's what you yell when you feed the pigs.
  10. What if the bank accidentally added a zero to your account total in their web app? Would you demand they honor their mistake? What if you were the person that made the mistake? What then? Just curious as to what some company owes you for a mistake, as opposed to a what a person owes you for making a mistake. Any process, procedure, or policy a company has was made by a person. People make mistakes.
  11. Buick, but starts with an S.
  12. I agree here. I use six rivets in an old Turkish cymbal to get a sizzle effect (drums, not fishing). I found aluminum gives a better sound, go figure. The point is, the rivet tool only pulls the ball at the "hidden end" so far, before snapping off the mandrel on the visible side. On the rivets I used, the cymbal is pretty thin, less than 1/16" and there's at least 3/16-5/16" play, meaning what Catt says is right: depth matters. That's how I get a "sizzle" from that old cymbal. I also know that there are different lengths on the sleeved pop rivets I use to attach accessories to a kayak. That length is based on how thick the material you're attaching to the hull, and how thick the hull generally is at that point. Too long a rivet, and what you are attaching will be loose, even though you got a solid pop from the rivet tool.
  13. Got it. Blue Top Dual Purpose is what I used in my last boat. https://www.optimabatteries.com/en-us/bluetop-dual-purpose-deep-cycle-and-starting
  14. Maintenance free?
  15. Spit on the American gears and it will be as smooth and quiet as the JDM gears. Just like the timing belt on my ‘77 Impala I had back in the 90s. For now, we’re done here. It’s beyond informative and just a ticking match.
  16. You can't get there from here!
  17. I think that whole ripping trebles out is over played. I've bent trebles before they're ripped out. My take is the drag was set too high. I'm thinking when we lost fish and blame it on the trebles ripping out, it wasn't really hooked well to begin with, and a slow rod wouldn't save it anyway. BTW, ever get a treble in your own skin? I did, my leg once. It was not easy to get out.
  18. My float rigs for steelhead, brown trout, and salmon often contain at lest five knots, sometimes a couple more. Main line is usually 8#, and no higher than 12#. Final leader strength is usually 8#, and as low as 4#. I'm thinking that if the number of knots, length of the leader/main line out, the umpteen pinch on weights that supposedly nick the line, and faulty swivels, not to mention the toothpick I use to peg the bead to the leader, was a problem, it would show up here, where the fish are mostly over 10 lbs. Bottom line, and I've preached this forever: take your time and tie good knots. Then test them. Retie them frequently. I will say this, your 25# static weight example doesn't replicate an instantaneous stress, like on a hook set. Is there a difference? I'm not sure.
  19. Fourscore and seven years (minus 80) ago, hair jigs were the bomb. Still are. I'd fish that B-52 where ever I thought there were fish without a trailer.
  20. They're both slimy bottom feeders.
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