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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. My old car had a pass through from the trunk. The handle sides were in the trunk. You could not tell the value by looking at the tips. That car did get broken into, once, but I had left a laptop bag on the seat. Nothing was taken, so I assume the alarm did it's job. I'd go a slightly different route - check with my insurance broker to see what can be covered before something happens, and don't make it obvious that anything of value is in the car.
  2. I thought Gulp! products were biodegradable.
  3. I guess something like a bicycle lock would work, but it would have to pass through something in the reel and the rod eyes, without incurring damage to either. Anything small enough to deter a small set up bold cutters is probably too large for that. I feel like anyone that can get into a locked vehicle is more apt to take the stereo, ransack the storage compartments, or steal the entire car, than mess with fishing rods.
  4. I don't recommend going less than 50# braid (10-12# mono diameter) for any baitcaster. I don't think brand matters that much. You develop a preference for them over time, and they all seem to "break in" a bit. Braid is over engineered, and stronger by diameter than you need for most bass fishing.
  5. What is wrong with the Spiderwire? I use 50# for most any braid applications.
  6. I can option out one of these at a lot more than any Vexus: https://gatortraxboats.com/shop/fleet/strike-series-bass-boat/
  7. Even then, it's a very rare occurrence. I've been using braid for over two decades now, and never cut a guide, even cheap steel ones.
  8. Here we go....braid doesn't cut guides.
  9. Wow, I'm sorry man. That's a horrible story!
  10. I would start making a list of your criteria, and share it. Someone's best may be a $80k custom boat, while what you really needed was a 16' jon. Start looking at boats, and write down the features you like. Organize that list into these: Must Have, Nice to Have, Not Needed. Then go back and see what boats fit the criteria.
  11. I'm going to come up with a new color, and call it "Confirmation Bias."
  12. I have quite a few jig/worm rods spooled with 50# braid. Works very well in weeds, tied direct. Very rarely do I tie leader to it. Spool one up and use it for that to see if you like it. For your moving baits, I can't stand braid, and use straight 15# fluoro for most. A well tied leader can last several days. It's abrasion with the environment that wear the knot more.
  13. You'll most likely mess up the Keitech tails, or tear the claws on the Ragetails. LEAVE THEM IN THE CLAMSHELLS FOR BEST RESULTS.
  14. I leave then in the clamshell, and store/carry is a speed bag. No issues, though I do not have any that are years old. I use them so much, they don't hang around that long.
  15. Why? You should try braid on ONE rig, and go from there. Tie a leader if you think you need one, but mostly you can tie direct with no ill effect. Once you are familiar, and decide braid or braid with a leader will work on other setups, switch then one at a time.
  16. Five is right out!
  17. As long as it's done in groups of ten or less.
  18. Either option would be hysterical, to me.
  19. DON'T DO IT WITHOUT THE PROPER TOOL. It's like using hammer to remove a splinter.
  20. I haven't really bought any in a few years. Many of mine are from JDM. Been using them for over a decade.
  21. @Darren. and other Bills fans are rejoicing, lol.
  22. There are far many more people affected that do not have sick leave. With non essential businesses closed, there are many that won't be paid anyway.
  23. Social distancing
  24. Those look good!
  25. Now they're calling for even higher temps. It will drop back down below freezing by Saturday morning.
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