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J Francho

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Everything posted by J Francho

  1. Unless there is something special or unusual about your fishing spots, a brush head should do just fine. I have more of them than any other in my jig boxes. Add a couple football and arkeys, and you pretty much covered your skirted jig needs. The Dredge Brush jig has been my favorite for several years now. https://siebertoutdoors.com/products/ols/products/extreme-brush-jig-xtr-brs-jig26
  2. This.
  3. When I was a teen, a good crankbait was less than $3 and could catch 100s of fish. A bag of plastics might last a day or two and were around the same per bag. The math was easy for me then. The trick is to not continuously buy crankbaits the way I do these days, lol. I think having a couple depths covered along with a few bags of craws, worms and trailers and you're on your way to setting up a good kit. Don't overlook or cheap out on a topwater either. One specific Popmax accounted for more fish for a few years running than all other baits combined. Granted I was probably overly committed to it, but darn if it worked almost all the time.
  4. I don't know about 100% knot strength, but it works in a pinch and it's super fast to tie. I used a triple surgeon's knot on 15# braid and 8# leader material for this fish:
  5. Doesn't really matter what line you use, what fancy breaking systems are out there, you need to learn how to use your thumb to control the spool.
  6. I have Maui Jim's. Great company to deal with and great product support.
  7. Every track I've run into uses the same T bolts.
  8. This looks more useful as a rescue tool in its current state. Looks like slightly more functional than what we see at football pregame shows every Sunday.
  9. If that's the arm made of aluminum you bend into shape, it's another really good option that I still use sometimes.
  10. Displacement measures volume and is usually expressed in liters or cubic inches. No one weighs the water their 350 small block displaces. I'm saying abandon mass and length altogether because they are rarely related. It was said half tongue-in-cheek, but also half serious. The bigger bass would have the most volume, not be the longest, thickest, or heaviest.
  11. Thanks. It was 1.766 L.
  12. We should compare fish using displacement. My advice, take measurements, weights, pictures, etc. to document your progress, and don't worry about what the internet says. My smallmouth looks like it could probably eat both those largemouths, and it weighed several pounds less than either. I don't remember exactly how long it was, something like 21". It weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz. Pictures all lie, so make them at least look good.
  13. Those are imperial inches. Seriously, mine is brand new. It's deep enough and works fine. It even works for steelhead that are bigger and livelier than smallies.
  14. Dude, I measured the one I have. Try a google search for it or check Frabil's site.
  15. The one I have is over 16" deep.
  16. If it's the retractable Hobie mount, then absolutely use that. The OP doesn't own a Hobie though.
  17. I would answer that that something that has odor or flavor to me might have helped, but I'm not sure it was the scent or odor itself that got me the bites. If that makes any sense..
  18. I used both in all three of my kayaks.
  19. I recommended these two nets: https://www.amazon.com/Frabill-Bearclaw-Premium-Powerful-One-Handed/dp/B08DPMKMMB https://www.amazon.com/Yakattack-Leverage-Landing-hoop-long/dp/B071GLJ6XS/ref=asc_df_B071GLJ6XS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241985737813&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12018614934320489117&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005677&hvtargid=pla-569088628747&psc=1
  20. That net is an automatic nope. Not the right size or shape and thAt strip of material in the middle will slow it down in water. Already mentioned, but the main main reason I use a net is trebles, and that thing will be a mess with them. Get a Frabil Bearclaw or a Leverage Landing net.
  21. I sometimes catch fish after putting something that tastes and smells bad to me on my baits.
  22. Dr. Shimmy - I like it.
  23. Don't mount it on your hull. It's a pain, and it's easier to damage the TD hull mounted. With an arm, it just swings out of the way if you hit something. There's a dozen or so arms out there. The ones from fish finders are good. I'm using a YakAttack arm on a RAM ball mount. There's a magnet mount out there too that looks cool, but I haven't tried it. I don't see anything on your hull that would prevent you from using a deployment arm.
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