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About bosnmate3

  • Birthday 12/17/1971

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Fry (1/9)



  1. I like going solo,very relaxing to me. Going where I want, taking my time, leaving when I want. Thinking of ways to do my ex. without getting caught. lol ( just kidding ) I started fishing during my divorce, so it gave me time to NOT think about things. And that is what helped me from going crazy. ( see above statment ) Fishing with a bud is cool too, but I like just walking the shore alone thinking about nothing but how I'm going to get that G.D. bass on my lure ;D
  2. Man, my son is four and I took him for the first time a few weeks ago. I can only pray that we will have this in the years to come. I am sure your dad is so happy to be still fishing with you. And, having someone tying knots for him has got to be a plus !!!
  3. Hey man, I've been going to a local ponf every day for almost two weeks and I've caught fish on about 4 of those days,so don't beat youself up.I just kind of rig everything I have and see what happens.I'm new to the whole fishing sport so I don't think I could give you any advice as to what to try,but I can tell you what's been working for me. Topwater,Torpedoes, Zara puppys, and Chugbugs. I'm working shallow waters with lots of vegatation,and structure.So keep the faith and keep on casting. And read this forum !!! I can't tell you how much I've learned by just reading these post. Best of luck
  4. Went out today, just as I got there, pouring rain for a 1/2 hr.went back to the car to wait it out. Went back out and started with a Zara Puppy.got 3 pickerels and 2 bass 1 1/2 ponders, Lots of hits but I think they were trying to smack it away. I was casting with the wind to the windward shore,walking it up the shore line.Windy and wet but it was great. I didn't take the puppy off the whole time, about 3 hours. Topwater is the best.
  5. Around me there's a Dick's about 200 yds. from Walmart. and that's about it for fishing gear.So what Walmart has, ( not much ) Dick's meets there price. Ya know, $2.97 instead of $3.25.Everything else is prime retail price ($5.49 for a 1/4 ounce Rap skitter pop ), There really are not many local tackle shops around anymore,all the big guys killed them, so is the evolution of capitalism I guess, sad but true.
  6. Thanks for all the input guys, haven't been back to the cove yet,but I'm going to try T rig slow, I'm a big topwater guy so I'll try that too. I'll let you all know how I make out, if they are still there !!
  7. I was at a water shed pond today, found a cove, 2 to 5 feet, lots of lilly pads, fallen trees.I came in on a point to see about ten Bass all about 2 to 5 feet from the shore.After looking at them for a few min. I cast out a popper,and scared the living crap out of the fish, they took off to the other side of the cove.After 10 min. they slowly made there way back to my side. Tried a frog, same thing,tried a 4 in. lizard, same thing,I'm in MA ,it was 70's for a few days. I'm fairly new to fishing (started last summer ), so my questions are as follows:How can I get bait to them, when tere that close without spooking them?,are they always this easy to scare this time of year?is it the spawn the reason there not hitting my bait?Finally got feed up and went to other parts and picked up 2 largemouth 1 1/2/ and 1 3/4on a small Henderson torpedojust under a bridge. Any insight that you guys can give me would be great. It's bad enough that they didn't bite,even worse that I don't know why they didn't !!! I've been lurking for a few weeks and the info you guys provide has been a godsend for me.I just picked up some Power Pro line after reading up on it here .So thanks in advance for you're input
  8. You lucky S.O.B. ;D
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