I'm new to this form and thought I'd chime in on this one. I am a friend of KVD and am familiar with the whole history of KVD Line & Lure Conditioner. I have also used Reel Magic, food grade silicone oil, Tangle Free, fabric softener and just about anything else that has ever been suggested as a line treatment. In my estimation, KVD Line & Lure works better then anything out there. It lasts longer than everything else and doesn't leave an oily feel like R/M and silicone and as someone mentioned won't eat plastic like R/M.
KVD really is the co-developer of the stuff and I know that he worked on perfecting the formula for about 1-½ years. It is the only product I've ever used that really tames down fluorocarbon. I fish P-Line and what a difference it makes. It makes it as soft as butter and really helps with knot strength. I also love it on Power Pro. Makes the line last longer and I don't get wind knots anymore. I also hear that most of the guys on the BASS tour are using it.
One of you said that it costs too much and I think you are right, but so does beer or a cup of coffee and a bottle of Line & Lure lasts months not 5 minutes! I am in the cosmetic manufacturing business and I know the costs and profit structures of retail products all too well. The bulk of the money in accessory products go to the distributors and retailers (about 65% and another 5% to 10% for shipping costs) so figure the manufacturer in the best case is really getting $3.00 for that $10.00 item at Bass Pro. Factor in the cost to make the product and package it at $1.25 and that leaves the manufacturer with $1.75 to pay for the taxes, advertising, insurance, overhead and payroll. Not what I'd call a gold mine. As this demonstrates, it's the middlemen and the retailers that drive the prices we pay for the products in stores. Also, KVD offers a 100% money back guarantee on his stuff does anybody else?