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About Krzkev

  • Birthday 05/29/1972

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  • Location
    Palm Beach Florida

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  1. Very nice fish.. Even though the first 3 pics are of the same fish. The cell phone pic is a real nice one, how long is the fish in the 4th pic?
  2. Was throwing the cast net a little in my canal system and happened upon a very big shellcracker and one hellava blue tilapia. Picks below... Has anyone else caught very large examples of these or other off target species. (panfish) By the way the Shellcracker was almost a pound, and the tilapia went 4 pounds even.
  3. Your supposed to roll the fish in flour not sand.... LOL Please catch and release responsibly.
  4. I may be the 3rd Florida prospect. If I start now I think I can make it happen financially and to get the wife convinced. Keep in touch, That sounds like an awsome trip.
  5. Have you done the research on what the $$$ amounts for a trip down there would be?
  6. Nice fish Paul, and to be able to catch it in that wild snow storm going on behind you.
  7. Nice one, Robert. We need to get out on my lake as we talked about last summer. I was thinking about trying to get a group of us together for a little trolling motor tourney. I think it would be fun.
  8. The Peacock bass were stocked by the State of Florida, mainly to control the invasive spotted tilapia. The also have a very high sport value to inhance the already diverse Florida fishing pallette. The snakeheads that are in Florida are different then the northern version, we have the bullseye snakeheads down here. I read that they were introduced to secluded canal systems by the asian fish traders so they can harvest and sell theminstead of ordering them from the middle east. Much more cost effective by attempting to ruin our waters perminantly. Therefore Peacock GOOD, Snakehead BAD.....
  9. It was a little guy, a half pound or so, but a peacock none the less. I was fishing the canal system in RPB. My first one since the freeze out last year. Anyone else getting them in PB county?
  10. I had a friend down here in Fl. that would hand feed his pond bass hot dogs. It was the most amazing thing you would ever see just wave them around near the waters edge and bang these 5-6 pounders would come out of nowhere and grab em. Very cool stuff, wish I had video of it.
  11. Water temp, water clarity, and the most important variable is probably stress. When a fish is highly stressed they will usually change colors allot from their original patterns. Spending time in a bucket would stress me out a little too.
  12. I got a nice Snook, and a bunch of Ladys at juno the other day. Once these swells lay down it should be very good fishin on beaches.
  13. It has been a very tough summer for me. I have gone out frequently only to catch 2 maybe 3 fish on an entire outing. Very different then past years. On my last trip a few days ago I did manage 1 nice one around 4 or so, she was my only fish in 3.5 hours of fishing. Just wondering if anyone else down here is having a tough summer also. I hope it gets better soon, I will be hitting the beaches soon anyway the mullet run is coming. Good luck everyone.
  14. Yeah, I think it will take a few years of warm winters to get them back up in PB county again, like they were. We had nice ones like that in central Palm Beach county last year at this time.
  15. SouthFLA, give me a PM if you stillhave a back seat for this Wed. I still dont have a confirmed backseat. Let me know what time, and if I need to bring anything other than my tackle. Talk to ya soon.
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