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Everything posted by IneedAnewScreenName-rt987

  1. I'm gonna be relocating to the Greensville, SC area in a couple months. Anyone know how the fishing is there?
  2. How about both?
  3. Thanks again for the warm welcome! I've been digging around this place, WOW!
  4. Thanks again! Road Warrior- Those Bass in your avatar are full fledged toads! Nice color too
  5. My son stuck a wet leaf on a bare hook, dropped it off the end of a dock, next thing you know he pulled out a 14" Rock Bass ;D Kids these days...
  6. Great pics! They're making the cabin fever set in pretty hard!
  7. I'm a little north of the Capital. I mostly fish the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, with frequent trips to lesser known puddles
  8. Jeesh, that was quick! Thanks for the warm welcome!!!
  9. Howdy, New guy here, I use fly gear exclusively now, and get out about 100 days a year. A 5wt will work fine to handle that size of smallmouth, but you will run into problems casting wind resistant flies, such as poppers, into the wind with a 5wt line. You'll be better off with a 9', medium fast, or fast action 6wt and a Weight Forward Floating line. These guys were right about the reel, it just holds the line, and smallies aren't gonna take very long runs. I don't have 10 posts here yet so I can't post links, but if you click on the link in my signature it will take you to my personal website(non commercial), On the Navigation bar on the top of the page there is a "How To" button, click it and check out the parts on choosing a fly rod/reel/ and line.(this isn't spam, I swear ;D)
  10. Hi! Just found this site, looks pretty cool! I'm from the Northeast, and live to fish! I gave up my spinning and baitcasting gear about 3 years ago for the fly rod. I mostly fish for Smallmouth, but won't hesitate to chase other species as well. Trout, Salmon, Steelhead, Pike, Musky, Largemouth, Smallmouth, whatever! If it swims, I wanna catch it!
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