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Everything posted by Oregon

  1. Sure will, thanks. Ill pm you my address.
  2. Fantastic shots, you would'nt happen to have these in 1900x1080 would you? Id love to use the 2nd and last as background images.
  3. When you hit the backup button make sure you have ISO image file selected in the drop down menu Then if you want to watch the movie on your computer you can use VLC, not sure about the zune conversion as i don't have one. Hope this helps. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
  4. Oregon


    AHAHHA too funny
  5. Oregon


    getting pink eye from fecal matter, pillow farts, ect.
  6. Oregon


    its a myth
  7. Here's mine. Nothing special. Ive got about 300 bg's and they cycle automatically every 12hrs.
  8. Oregon


    I've never caught a bass on one.. They do work great trolling for trout though.
  9. Looks awesome. Cant wait to see the finished product. I definitely think the red strip at the gill makes a lure look more realistic.
  10. Im in SO Oregon. I feel like a loner here too
  11. 3/0 texas pegged 1oz tungsten works well for me.
  12. Doesn't seem very sporty to me.
  13. Yea but if you throw the gravy soaked sponge in the water for a minute and then give it too him your in the same place you've started. IMO sprays and liquids a waste of time and money, although i do think basswax is actually pretty decent stuff. Maybe give that a try. It does'nt just wash off the second it hits the water.
  14. Nope not clear. It's sorta whitish but it sorta blends in with its background. And that bs about no memory : forget that. It is however pretty d**n strong, and super thin. Casts pretty decent. They say no memory but there is quite a bit, but it is pretty easily straightened. I use it because the most of the water i fish is super clear, this seems to work pretty well.
  15. i don't know very much about it but to me it sounds like too much catalyst.
  16. They've worked great for me in the southern oregon region.
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