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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. Im down. June would be awesome for me but whatever yall decide. I call Shotgun with dick Just let me know so i can start apologizing to my wife now.
  2. Bunny Boy don't mess around. I thought it was a bat. Shakaka
  3. Confidence in swim-baits. Might be easier in Cali, hard to throw sometimes in WV. Real swimbaits anyway.
  4. Got somewhere between 18" - 24" this past weekend. Supposed to get another 10" or so this evening to tomorrow evening. Im really starting to frickin hate PA.
  5. it is where Burley and Jimzee met afterall.
  6. Im stealing your keys and not returning them until Friday. Whoa there, seeing how he is coming with his wife, maybe he has a promise. You would not want to be responsible for not allowing a man to have his promise now would ya? :-? Not only will i take responsibility for it, but i will encourage others to do the same. ;D
  7. Dorf goes Fishing.
  8. Im stealing your keys and not returning them until Friday.
  9. Wont be my first rodeo, but thanks for the advice.
  10. i dont think we will have to twist his arm to much. If not, we will just steal his boat or Brians.
  11. how many stanley cups does he have have? How many does Sydney have? GO PENS!
  12. We will be there in May. Screw catfish. Late night crankin.
  13. Elitel Series Royal Rumble. Who comes out on top?
  14. What the hell was Diawa thinking when they dropped him?
  15. Am I seriously the only one who's gonna call on this? Is that a typo or something? No, you are not alone. .....
  16. Bob Huggins- WVU. He doesnt recruit scholars, but he recruits talent. 4th most wins in NCAA among active coaches. Plus he still got alot of years ahead of him.
  17. Why bread milk and eggs? Wouldn't canned goods and other nonperishables be smarter if you are indeed going to be holed up at home for a while? Does everyone make french toast when it snows down there? LOL i spit Diet Dew all over my desk.
  18. Tombstone Dumb and Dumber Goodfella's
  19. Took my wife fishing 8 tears ago. She hasnt been back since. Whatever it is i did that day, dont do it. Ill let you know what it was i did, as soon as i find out.
  20. LOL i even cried a little on that one
  21. I agree. Just blown up, period. It wasn't enlarged. Just right clicked on your avatar, clicked on properties, copied the URL code, and placed it between the img brackets for posting pictures. So, you made it bigger. Maybe the meaning of enlarged has changed. Huh, never new that. LoL anyways awesome picture man. Personally i love it. My wife agrees with the blown up period.
  22. Swindle. Hes paid his dues. Id just like to see the boy win.
  23. My picture should never be blown up that large. Women and farm animals alike will probably faint at that Meier glimpse of that beautiful mug.
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