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Everything posted by Pitchinkid

  1. may is taking to long. move it to march
  2. As Scott pointed out, its up to the Tournament Director to set limits around or near the launch or weigh in site. If there are no such limits set, i see no reason not to fish in the area. Especially if you draw a low number for blast off.
  3. Nothin really to add that hasnt been said. He just out-works, out-thinks, amd out-fishes everyone else. Same reason Tiger is the best, and Jordan was the best. Talent + hard work + confidence + determination = Champion. Hes just a big hairy american winning machine.
  4. Sorry to hear that Mike. My condolences.
  5. LOL. Yep, thats right. Im starting P90X this Sunday. I got the Dvds from a guy that is actually fatter than i am, so im already have doubts in my head. Plus i had a dream the other night that i was one of the guys on the infommercial. Im sure to catch hell over that last sentence. To clarify , i wasnt dreaming about the guy i was dreaming i was one of them. So go ahead, Speedbead, Burley, Tin or whoever. You go right ahead and get your laughs in now. P.S. Watched a little bit of video the other day and i dont if i can even keep a striaght face. That guy is hilarious.
  6. So you are alive.I was getting ready to make a trip to Jane Lew to go get me a boat and a dog, but since your still 6 feet above ground i guess i will have to cancel the trip.
  7. http://www.hellbenders.org/
  8. We always called them water-dogs or Hell-benders. Supposedly they like really clean water. I chased one for about 20 minutes on a trout stream back home. It was in about 6 foot of water and i thought it was a Brown trout. They get pretty big. Around 3 ft i think.
  9. Didnt Ghoti post this joke a while back? Maybe im worng . Funny none the less
  10. no i did not.. And yes she did get to my phone first.Then i had to convince here that you were indeed a male after the valentines day message i recieved.
  11. lol awesome.
  12. Apparently tall Ginger kids too. I get text messages about Turkey calls and Tim Tebow. By the way, the wife did not think the turkey call was as funny as i did.
  13. Also have a sweet line of Tri-cycles. Megatrike. lol
  14. Id rather see Cornhole or horse shoe as an Olympic sport. Farthest thing from an athlete than a Pro Bowler, and there way behind Bowlers. If Lou Ferigno and Magnus Ver Magnison were the ones hurling the rock down the ice, it might be more exciting. If taunting was aloud (i.e Baseketball...Matt stone. Trey parker) then i would definitely watch.
  15. http://www.bassedge.com/pages/show/Deep_Jigging_For_Winter_Bass and another
  16. http://www.***.com/articles/winter_bass2.shtml
  17. SpeedBead. fishes the Susquehana often. Check with him on locations.
  18. 1. Yozuri 3d? 2. Scout 3. Banjo Minnow
  19. Been checking these out. Anybody with any storys on them. Fiberglass or composite?
  20. your ed
  21. Im trying to FBL to put me up for a few days this year and go down and fish it with him. I havent been there since i was 5.
  22. Those Vision XLT are pretty sharp.
  23. 2 = 78 Ghost Minnow 2= 100 Ghost Minnow IF you every watch a LC Pointer underwater, when you pause it, it actually shimmys or wobbles with a side to side motion and gradually stops. Some other jerkbaits do this but not like a LC Pointer. I think that slight shimmy triggers alot of strikes. But my rule of thumb is, "colder the water, longer the pause".
  24. awesome!
  25. LOL. Im glad somebody gets me.
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